Pool 5, Alma, WI. Walleye Report -9lbs. 13oz.

The Alma landing is finally Open. I spent most my afternoons this weekend on Pool 5 trying to figure out what the latest pattern going would be. We did find one really good pattern going. Unfortunatley, it didn’t belong to me.

After almost every afternoon pitching with no pigs the ol’ man hopped in the boat for 10 minutes, just before complete sundown, all I heard is I had better get the net. I couldn’t believe it…I was literaly heart broking and excited at the same time. I bet you would never guess what he caught it on. Remember it is hard to teach an old dog new trick. Fisherflick jig?….Nope he actually put a chartruese ringworm on and caught his very first fish on a ringworm. Hair man to a plastic man…..I doubt it, but I think I got him thinking…

A few wingdams produced smaller fish but did not get the big bite going. However, lot of people are catching some descent fish in the 15-20″ range working the main channel and Dam area.

A few key presentations have been working for eaters. The best right now has been vertical jigging hair jigs in deeper water. 25-35′. Also the edge of the big hole down river has been producing some descent walleye and sauger.

Vertical jigging some of the deeper wingdam tips have been producing fish too. I talked to a few guys that pulled three way and cranks up between the tips of wingdam and had good succeess for some 17-20″ eaters. He mentioned he caught enough fish all day to keep his 8 and 9 year old content. Best depth has been 18-22′.

If you are looking to get away from the crowds Alma is the place to be. If you come to Alma make sure you stop in and see my ol man in store and raze him that he is turning into a plastic man now! That should get him going!

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I have been a guide on Pools 4 and 5, 5a for the last 17 years.Featured on FSN(Fox Sports Network) as well as OLN(Outdoor Life Network). Also featured in FLW Walleye Tour Magazines.


  1. Thanks for the report. Way to go Lee! These youngins of ours think that they can always out fish us old dogs but once in awhile we have to show them we still know a thing or two. Congrats!

    Thanks, Bill

  2. And to think I went ice fishing Saturday! Hi Jarrad, how you doing? Shannon says hello.

    Looks like you guys opened the cork this year on pool five. I better get my act together and get the boat out. I have been craving a walleye dinner for several months. It’s sure great to be nearing the best fishing season of the year…Yeee Haaa!

  3. Yep!! Lee now has many choices. B-Fish-N Tackle Ringworms or Superdoos or K-tails. Hmmm where does he begin? And lots and lots of colors too. Hmmm where does he begin? Best to be safe and have them all in your tackle box Bud. Nothing worse than having the boat next to you catching eye after eye [big ones too] and you don’t have that color in your boat. Just have to play it safe.
    Thanks, Bill

  4. Hey Lee…just tell the big kid its EXPERIENCE SON….EXPERIENCE!!
    Thats what I tell him when we fish!

    plastics eh……

  5. Congratulations Lee and thanks for keeping us informed about the launch! It’s great to have the option.

  6. How do you fish ringworms on the ice? Just pitch them on the ice and the fish come breaking thru for them? Surely you are not fishing open water yet

  7. I have been a “lake” fisherman most of my life with a little river experience in St. Cloud MN. I now live in apple valley and I want to learn how to fish the river systems. One of my biggest concerns is not knowing how to properly naviagate the rivers. I don’t want to crash my new boat, but whats the point of having it if I don’t use it?

    would any one be willing to break in a rookie?

  8. Let me add the rule of thumb is 30inchs 10 pounds usually..well this fish was only 27 inchs….I can guarntee that fish had been takin advantage of all the dying shad…
    Nice Fish Dad……Still not as beautiful as a 6 pound smallie though….haha

  9. Quote:

    How do you fish ringworms on the ice? Just pitch them on the ice and the fish come breaking thru for them? Surely you are not fishing open water yet

    Scott, all these years man has been drilling holes in ice to get to the fish. Don’t you think its time the fish drill holes to come to man? Its only fair!

    Down south here [ ] we have open water ALL YEAR. We have OPENER EVERY DAY!

    Next question?

    Thanks, Bill

  10. Bucky12pt,

    Learning how to navigate the river is a must. There are a lot of hidden obstacles out there. I would try a friend that knows the river and teach you. Otherwise, I would hire a guide. There are many on this site including our family. Paying for a guide once to any body of water will save you time and money in the long run.

  11. My gosh not only the fireflick, but the flick made it out of winter hibernation. I haven’t seen you post in months man!!! What you been up to and don’t tell me it’s been fishing bass. Far too much ice until now!!!LOL I didn’t even see you post about the ducks and geese this year. I hope you have been ok!!!

    fireflick, hoping to make it up there. I had my boat out on Lake Michigan last Monday and what a thrill that was. Hope to get setup to catch them browns that Peck and Patrick did!!!


  12. Hello!
    Awesome fish, but I have a question, where exactly do you get those ringworms? i have seen them before but i have never used them. Like Lee, I have always used hair jigs for my Walleye. I live down in stoddard wisconsin and looking to go down to Genoa lock and damn this sunday to do some drifting for walleyes.
    PS: ice fishing has been slow around here just about any where you go, even some of the best spots from last year are only producing a nibble or two.Caught a nice Crappie today and was missing lots of nice ones just under the 12″ of ice at Goose island today. Slow bite, not really worth the time.
    Thanks again guys and please, any information that you have about where i can find these ringworms would be helpful!

    Tight lines
    & Be safe!

  13. two years ago i caught a 28 inch walleye through the ice fishing from shady maple near stoddard wisconsin. That sucker weighed 8 pounds. But you have really topped the charts with that one

  14. i am trying to show you the picture of this 8 pounder that i have caught but this site will not let me post more than 1000 bytes? whatever that meanS?

  15. Houdy , In regards to your question ( ringworms) well you being from Stodard in all , you might try Ace hardware , on the south side of LaCrosse , You’ll find a lot of neet stuff in there (:

  16. Jarrad,
    good report, and super fish for Lee. You get up to his and my age, it IS tough to teach us new tricks, we may come around eventually, but WE LISTEN AND HEAR ALL.
    to BigFish, you need to resize your picture to under 100,000 bytes, and it will post okay. you should be able to do a search on here with all the info on posting pics, hope to see your Walleye soon.
    Keep those great reports coming Jarrad. HI to Dylan.

  17. thanks, i know that they have a lot of good stuff there, that is where i get almost all of my fishing stuff, but i have never checked for ringworms there i will be sure to check!
    and i will get that walleye up here. also, be sure to check the forum soon, i went down to genoa on sunday and i will be putting a report up soon for that, along with pics.

    Thanks guys!

  18. Hey,
    I cant figure out how to post a new report so i will just report through this thread.

    Sunday, march 6, my dad and I took my boat out at genoa, Wi in pool 9.
    We found that they were biting fairly slow but some people still managed to bring a few into the boat. I was satisfied with my catch for the first time out, although i only caught 3 fish, they were decent. I caught two saugers, about 13-14 inches, and a walleye that measured out at 20 inches. That fish weighed around 4-5 pounds i am guessing. I was disappointed though, to find out that it was a female when i went to fillet it, but i kinda assumed that it would be judging by its gut. i hope to get out again sometime soon, but until then, all i can do is dream!

    Good luck out there!

  19. hi BigFish,
    Your posting problem might be if you are trying to add a post to this forum, Fishing Reports, this forum is reserved for IDA staff members only and will not work for you or me. you can add posts and comments to their reports, but you can not start a new post on this forum. you can add a new post to just about anyother forum. select which forum you want to post to: like Miss River-Walleye. when that comes up, on the line just below the header:Welcome BigFish!679, on the left side of that header line is the word POST, click on that, and you will get a pop up screen to you to write your post, add a subject, then your post, when done, click CONTINUE on the bottom and you will get a preview of you post, if you like what you see, click SUBMIT on the bottom of that page. your next screen will be one that says, you will be returned to your orig forum, which will be the one your NEW post is added to. hope that helps. Jack…

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