Upper Red Lake Slabs?

This weekend was my “Replacement” weekend to go to Upper Red Lake in search of the slab crappies. The first weekend we were supposed to go was the ultra cold snap we had in mid January. I was in the hospital recovering from surgery while my son and fishing partner LeRoy Carl and his sons braved the elements. Their trip was more productive. We saw a lot of walleye, and not so much the slab crappies.

Our rental house was set up quite a distance from the “Town” set up about 4 miles out. We were pretty much alone. We went out of Roger’s resort, and out about 3 miles. Minnows were the only thing they would bite on. Plain hooks were our best bets, with red glow copepod jigs being a close second. These fish wanted a dead stick. If you saw them coming up on the Vexilar, and you jigged, they were GONE!

The walleye bite up there continues to impress. The biggest of the more than a dozen walleye we caught were in the 16-21″ range, and very healthy! We did manage 3 dandy perch as well. With the Shack pool a dead heat for first fish, biggest fish, first crappie, and biggest crappie, I had to do my best “Hole dive” to put the clamps on a nice walleye that would have given me the lead. But all I got out of the deal was a wet shirt sleave! LeRoy, spend the money wisely my friend!

We Minnesotans are really lucky if you think of the resources we have in this State of ours! Friday I was fishing out of my boat on Pool 4, and Saturday on the ice at URL! After my recent cancer scare, I take nothing for granted. Every trip I make, I see things in a whole new light. The birds, the deer, the fish. The sunrises and sunsets, EVERYTHING! Take the time to share this with your friends and family! You to will see things differently. Here is my son Ben, whom I shared this weekend with. He too paid $$$ to LeRoy, but it is a trip neither of us will forget. I am just happy to be here to share it with them!

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Guide, speaker and tournament fisherman. Member of the , B-fish-N, St. Croix Rods, Marcum Technologies, Topline Controls, Lakemaster.


  1. Chris and Ben,
    good report and sure sounds like a fun trip. Smelling the roses we enjoy in life, makes all the work, worthwhile. Don’t forget the factor 45 sun screen.
    thanks, Jack….

  2. Hey Tuck nice report..

    I’ve heard that wet sleeve story before though..

    Good to see the youngins kickin butt..
    Keep up the good work..
    Have a great spring and 2005.

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