Mississippi River Pool 4 Fishing Report 2-13-05

I was lucky enough to be on the water today enduring the mesmerizing rain storm we are having at this very moment . I was able to stand up to mother nature until about 12:30pm today then decided it was in my best interest to get off the river to prevent my boat from freezing shut once another cold snap decides to roll in.

Not much has changed for my boat from the last report I wrote. I am still finding decent numbers of walleye, and a few nice sauger on the shallower sand area’s in 8’ to 15’ of water. Most of our catch today came out of 9’ to 12’ of water. Pro-blue color ringworms and firecracker k-grubs did the most damage today for my boat. Best fish of the day, that is pictured here, was taken on a pro-blue color ring worm. The belly on this eye is just enormous. She has definitely been feeding well. Besides the above pictured eye, our catch ran predominately in the 16” to 19” range today.

Last Sunday the 6th, I spent fishing with Darwin Viker. We braved the elements of rain, sleet and snow, to put a fair mess of eye’s in the boat with a couple nice saugers in the mix. We worked the 10’-12’ depths on this day. The bite was a bit off for us on this day but we were able to boat a walleye in the 16” to 19” range every 30 to 45 mins from 10:30am to 3:30pm. The bite never really broke loose with a good hard -core feeding frenzy. At least the action was steady enough to keep us interested. Unfortunately we never saw a fish over the 19” mark on this day. Light purple jigs tipped with minnows were the mainstay of our bite on this outing. We took some fish on ringworms as well but the fish showed a slight preference for meat on this day. It was good fishing with you again Darwin, looking forward to our March outing as I write.

The above sums up my last 2 trips to the mighty river. I have not been the water as often as I would like to be, but then again the weather is still unpredictable in Feb. The anglers I spoke with while on the river, and roaming around Everts Resort, reported good catches of sauger and walleye on Friday and Saturday of this week with today being the slowest of the 3 days. Then again, not to many of us bared the elements and stuck with it today. Maybe the afternoon bite would have been better than the morning bite! You just never know

See ya on the river!

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When not at work I'm busy playing fishing guide on pools 3 and 4 of the Mississippi River.I will fish Lake Pepin but the bite has to be really good on the lake to get me off of moving water.


  1. Toughing out the elements ha Wish I could have joined you. Who cares if it was bad weather, it must of been nice just to get out and catch some eyes. Thanks for the report. We should be getting out in the next couple of weeks in are neck of the woods. good luck, be safe Dustin

  2. Nice eye, I wasnt able to get out today so it is great to see someone had some good luck. I will be up that way for the freeze your butt tourny and hopefully find some of those nice fish.Thanks for the report,and good luck fishing.

  3. Quote:

    P.S. I’m blaming you for the rain…….
    It was beautiful yesterday…

    I can live with that. Last time I was out I saw rain, sleet and lot’s of snow . Maybe i’m being punished for something?

  4. PUNISHED????
    Dustin, the only thing you could be punished for, is for giving ALL THOSE WALLEYES a sore lip.
    Beauty, FAT Walleye, WOW.
    For us Sauger guys, would you have a slight mental breakdown, and put a pic of a couple of BIG SAUGERS on here some time. Have not seen one in a while, going to just have to go down myself and get a couple.
    Keep them reports coming.

  5. Dustin Nice fish. I have been to busy latly to get out,but hope to do it soon.Thanks for sharing.Stuart

  6. Quote:

    For us Sauger guys, would you have a slight mental breakdown, and put a pic of a couple of BIG SAUGERS on here some time. Have not seen one in a while, going to just have to go down myself and get a couple.

    Will do Jack. I have not seen a sauger over 18.5″ on the last couple of trips. To be honest, I don’t think I have put 60 sauger in the boat since last Spring . I didn’t see very many of them this fall. As you know most of my time is spent in the shallower depths were the walleyes prowl.

  7. Dustin, it was good bs’n with ya on the river yesterday. I little wet, windy, and cold………But it sure was worth it!!!!!

  8. Dustin,

    Great fish but let me know when you plan to fish again so I can pick another day. Didn’t mid the rain but that wind sure made boat control a problem. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

    Jack, we did pick up some decent saugar on Thursday and again on Sunday. We had two 19 inchers on Thursday and a 20 on Sunday. All came dragging ringworms in the 14-18’ range. The water has muddied slightly and that my have moved the bigger fish in a bit. The color preference has also moved to the darker hues.

  9. I saw you all bundled up, whizing bye me on what I would guess to be the ride back in? You appeared to be in a hurry. See you on Wednesday?

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