Pool 4 Update

The warmer, and more stable weather has the walleyes more aggressive, and hungry! Either that, or they are very, VERY mad at BFT Ringworms and K Tails right now! Slow trolling, and current slipping has been boating us some respectable fish as of late. The jiggers in the channel are getting plenty of fish, but most are smaller sauger, with the occasional “Nice” fish mixed in. This morning we caught over 20, and most were 17″-26″. Most landing in the 17″-19″.

Oyster, Firecracker, Purple/white were our hot colors. Depths were 5-9 feet early, and 10 to 13 feet as the sun climbed. We used the 1/8 ounce Knucleball Jigs in glow colors, blue and orange. If you are signing the blues over the lack of biting fish at Mille Lacs, the River is a great option! It should get better and better as the sows move up. In all we kept 15 fish for the three of us, and returned the big girls to the water to do their business. Technical difficulties have kept me from getting more pictures up. We are trying to get the pictures sent over to me by cwallerbass from the site here. Hopefully we can get those posted up soon.
Worth mentioning, the bite died off pretty quick after 10:00. It picked up last evening about 3:30 until dusk.
Good luck! See you out there! I am off to Red Lake for a couple of days though! Back to the ice!

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Guide, speaker and tournament fisherman. Member of the , B-fish-N, St. Croix Rods, Marcum Technologies, Topline Controls, Lakemaster.


  1. Is there such a thing as of a map of the pools? ie:pool 3, pool 6, etc. oh & definitly pool 4. That sure is a healthy one you got there. great report. POUT

  2. Yes, Fishing Hot Spots makes a map for Pool 4, I’m guessing there are maps for the other pools.

  3. well i cant fix the pics so i sent them to tuck. hopefully he can get them up when he gets back on sunday. BUT WOW what a day on the water. as a bass guy fishin these walleyes it took me a little while to get the hang of it. but what a blast all credit goes to tuck he put us on fish and great ones at that. somethin bout trollin up river with a bass worm made catchin them there bottom feeders ok. “oops was that out loud” i said i was a bass guy. but really thanks again for the great time tuck

  4. Thanks for the report Tuck. Still having a great time on the water hard or soft I see.

    Fishing HotSpots has a nice pool 4 map and ”Where To Catch’em” lake maps has maps of the different pools along the river from the Coon Rapids down to Guttenburg Iowa I know. They can be found at Cabelas. They are the map that is folded up like a road map is.

    Thanks, Bill

  5. wallerbass1
    I want to say that is a nice stringer I have a couple of questions if that is all right. What do you mean by trolling hard stuff and are you useing threeways and if you are how much weight do you use? Are to talking about little stick shad raps. I am tring to just learn more about the river and the way you fish it.
    thanks and the fish look good.

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