Today I took a buddy up to South Center. It was his first time ever on ice. It has taken a lot of coaxing, but with the warm temps, he finally caved. We started fishing the deep water, but after drilling a LOT of holes, we just didn’t mark the fish like normal. After about an hour of looking we pulled the plug and went shallow. Good thing we did. We drilled a bunch of holes away from the crowd and by moving from hole to hole we caught a lot of sunfish and crappies. Some of the crappies were really nice, while the sunfish ran a little small, but the action more than made up for it. About any jig tipped with a eurolarvae caught fish. Minnows got a big fat "0" today. 6′ seemed to be best.
The suprising thing was even with all the warm weather, there wasn’t any water or slush on the ice yet where we were fishing. The access off Hwy 8 is a different story. It had a lot of water. There was also water on the road from there to Sunset Point, but the access on the point was much better. I would suggest driving on there.
Thanks Mike! This will give us a place to start in the morning. Are you going to be out Saturday?
Better than 50/50 chance.
Boy was there alot of people on the water on sunday. We did manage to find Chappy, BrianK and the rest with your help mike. Got right in on top of the school of crappies in that deep hole. The size of these crappies has gone up a little from what we had found in the earlyer trips. We kept 12 between 8 and 10 inches with only haveing caught 1 fish smaller than that. Talk about dumb luck bet we pulled up to the first open hole we saw. Opened the door, dropped a liine down and a half hour or so later we where done. My girls sure had fun catching those fish and where more than happy to keep pionting out the the fish they let me reel in. A nice 4″ crappie.
I sure hope Chappy manged to finally catch a few fish. Everyone else manage to pu’em on the ice, but he had troubles. I even dropped my lure down his hole, while he had his bait down, and I caught a crappie. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a
Yep,I did catch a couple!
I moved over to where Mike was with his girls and conveinently chased his fish away too!!!