Pool 2 – 494 Ramp – February 1 , 2005

On Tuesday morning, Gene Putzier, aka Putz, and I headed out on Pool 2 for our first open water boat ride of the 2005 season. Our destination was the stretch of the pool known as the "airport". This community hole usually holds some fish during the winter months. Our plan was to vertical jig for anything that may want to bite. It was not too long into the trip that I connected with a decent sauger on a blue/orange/green combo jig and minnow.

Gene had rigged his rod with a black head and Twister Tail. After I had him down 4 to 0, he decided to change to a jig/minnow combo. Soon after that he finally got bit by a nice sauger.

Now the tide changed and he started to add a few more fish and take the lead. I lost my touch for a bit and struggled to regain the early lead pace I had set. Then Gene set the hook on what turned out to be the largest walleye of the day at 22".

The bite seemed to slow down after lunch but both of us missed our chances to add more fish to the total. Gene did manage to set a personal best sauger with a nice fish that measured at 21 1/2".

We managed to boat 17 fish between 15" and 22". Gene also set a personal best of being on open water on February 1st. Thanks for joining me , it was a fun day to be in a boat.

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I grew up with the Mississippi River at my back door and live close to the Pool 2 access. The river has much to offer for fishing opportunities. Mille Lacs Lake is another place where I spend many fishing hours Full Bio ›


  1. As of 9:00 last night, I never dreamed I would be in a boat today. Usually walking on the water this time of year. Thanks, Dino, for taking me out and teaching me the lessons I learned today. The boat control was great! Between you, BrianK, and Mike W, this old lake fisherman may become a river rat yet. Never seen a sauger like that before. Thanks again, Dino.

  2. Great report fellas, now that I’ve seen that, I might have to make the run up there Thursday or Friday. The boat has had it’s 2 month rest, time to hit the soft water again.


  3. Great report I know what you mean about getting on soft water so early. Myself and Lntony2 got out for the first time on January 29th. That is the earliest ever for us

  4. Brian
    Good catch on the temp. Through the day I was watching the Fishmark 320 and commenting that the temp was staying at 33.8. I had tried to use the exact temp on the post form but it will not accept decimal points.
    I did edit back to the proper number.

  5. I’m heading out tomorrow but haven’t decided if I should hit Pool 2 or 4. Is the dock at the 494 ramp still in the water?

  6. Looks like a “Play Hooky” day is in order for Friday…… If the weatherman is right, I’ll need a cooler for the beverages!


  7. I was back on the water today with my brother Larry. The weather was much nicer and the bite was decent. We fished 5 hours and had 14 fish , 12 sauger and 2 walleyes. Here is the walleye.

  8. There were a few more boats out today but for the first 2 1/2 hours we had the airport all to ourselves. Eventually 2 other boats came into the area but there was plenty of room.

    We had to quit around 3 and there were 10 trailers in the lot.

    Here is Larry with a 20″ sauger.

  9. Dinosaur, thanx for the report! Will you be out there on Sat? (or anyone else?) I’ll be out but not sure what kind of boat I’ll be in. We are going to my buddies dad’s to get his boat and not sure what kind it is. I’m thinking we’ll be on the water around 8am.

  10. Dinosaur, I was in the black Lund fishing near you guys yesterday – didn’t know I was in the presence of another IDA member . Hope you didn’t feel like I was crowding you! I would not have known who you were but I recognized your bro’s red rain cloths. Next time I see you I’ll say hi!

    I left about 3:30 and by then there was about 6 boats just north of our position. I ended up with half a dozen fish and missed about 4.

  11. Thanks for the posts guys. I’m fairly new to river fishing in this area but I made it out quite a few times last year. I’ve never been out in my boat in the winter months but I’m dying to give it a run. Does anyone have any luck by the Ford Dam this time of year? We caught a lot for numbers there in the fall. When you guys are talking about the airport I’m assuming you mean the airport in downtown St. Paul? Is that the honey hole in the winter months? My wife is going to kill me if I get the boat out of storage in Feb. but I can’t let you guys have all the fun can I? I’ll do my best to get out on Sat. Any of you guys going to be on the water? 50 degree weather, I can’t resist!

  12. Made it out today…. (Hope the boss don’t read this )

    In addition to Dino’s report, don’t rule out cranks. I found today that when the jiggers were struggling, I was able to trigger a few bites trolling cranks on 3-ways. Not saying this is the Go-To strategy, just bring your cranks in case you feel a need for a change.

    Will be out tomorow early. See ya on the water.


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