Smiths Bay report,West Okoboji,Jan 23,2005

Wind,wind,and more wind for us the last few days in NW Ia.Yesterday it was 30-40 mph from the North.Today it was 20-30 from the South.After fishing a farm pond yesterday we were back on the ice today.I started on Millers Bay and seen many types of fish but could not get them to bite.My good friend Scott Reed was in his permanent on Smiths Bay and after a few phone calls I was moving his way.The permanent was a good choice with the strong winds.It wasn’t long and Scott had a nice largemouth.

Scott had his shack on a excellent patch of vertical green weeds.We had fish under us the whole afternoon.There was alot of bass and northern traffic with a few gills coming under us at times also.The gills stay hidden when there is alot of northern in the area.But with a little effort we got a few gills to bite.They wanted a Genz Fatboy tipped with a grub or a Powerbait Honey Worm.Here is Austin with a gill.

Scott put 3 northern on the ice along with a few largemouth.He caught 2 northern that were in a silver color phase.Here is Scott with one of these silver northerns.

I also had a chance to run into John(live2fish) and Christy M..We had a chance to talk alot and work to find a few fish that wanted to bite.They had a few gills and northern when we called it day.John it was great to finally meet you and it was alot of fun on the ice today.Cade and I with a few gills when I got home.He likes to take pics with fish and look at them on the computer.
Ryan Hale

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I'm a part time guide on the Iowa Great Lakes.Love to fish and hunt.I have fished many open and hard water tourneys.I also run Harbor View Resort on West Okoboji lake.


  1. Thanks for the report Ryan. Sure looks like a fancy home away from home type fish house. And fish to top it off with.
    Thanks, Bill

  2. great to finally meet you as well Ryan, and thanks for the good conversation and information. After you left Christy wound up getting one more small northern (18 incher), on her panfish rod and had a hoot with it. We stayed till nearly 6:30 and did ice one very nice 21 inch walleye right after sundown ( pictures to come)on a red/silver cast master and minnow head. All in all it was a great day for a bad situation (wind and more wind) Hope to hook up again and good luck. John and Christy

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