With this great weather you would think the gills and crappies would be almost jumping out of the hole…..
The bite today was very tough to say the least…I started out by meeting Ted Peck over in Grant County at River of Lakes to try for some crappies in the pads out away from the docks…With a dozen holes drilled and a couple of hours invested we ended up with one crappie to show for out time…
Well we headded out away from there and moved up north a ways to Havel Lake (sp)…We set up by drilling a half dozen holes out and aroung 40+ people and again for an hour and a half we had 4 small panfish for our time….Not what I had hoped for…so off to Prairie di Chien we went….
The stop we decided to make was Little Missouri just north of Prairie du Chien…I had picked up the power auger and brought it with so I could drill a dozen holes real quick and get down to business…Well after a half hour and no fish up shallow i snuck out into a bit deeper water and finally caught this 10" crappie on a pink rocker tipped with a spike…
Besides another crappie caught by Ted and some smaller gills the bite was very tough…I saw several very small gills and crappies caught off the bottom in some deeper water but thats not what we were looking for…
Well better days are to come…
Be safe and good fishin !!!
Hey Dave, not all days are diamonds

I’ll bet it beat working
AND good company!
I’ll be out again tomorrow, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday, well Tuesday the party is over …I got to go back to my real job
hey all. i have been having days that make me think the lake i’m on is deserted. same time last year it was chilly and i couldn’t do any wrong, or i was just lucky. this picture is of a bass from last year on new-year’s day. I’m really only putting it up b/c i’m learning how to post pics. ecnook, you should give a heads up when you’re going back to the miss. my buddy and i are talking it up – hopefully we can make it happen. was gonna go this weekend but he’s going to tulsboro (sp) in the boat for saugers. him and another friend of ours have been doing really well there the last couple weeks. anyway, just gotta make sure i know how to post a pic.
*Is there a way to upload without a url – like just a direct attachement?
**Nevermind. I see that’s in the next step, cool.
test, sorry
No problem WF. Get a good feel for how it all works. We love fish pics!
Good to see you are back on the ice. How does it feel?
Great reports and keep up the good work…
I also am trying to figure out how to post a picture. I can’t seem to do it. What are the steps and what if the picture is too big how do you shrink it?
crop and size your pic and save it in your computer..remember 450 pixils on it’s largest side.
once saved to your computer go in and post a message in the forum of your choice,
after your post is typed in leave the box checked that says “I want to preview my post and/or attach a file”
then there will be a box marked “browse” click this and it will take you to “your computer”
select the picture you want to post by clicking on it, this will put the picture in the browse box…
click continue and your all done….
use this to crop and size your pix !!
good luck !!
Photo test
Sorry. The picture above was my test photo. What does a moose going through a car have to do with a fishing site? Well, not much except if you are going to Canada fishing you better keep your eyes open!!
Thanks for the tips Dave. I think I may have this figured out, I may try to add a fishing picture now!!
Here is my son with a Pool 10 gill taken this week. Gotta love the smile.
oopps, that was the perch picture…I am still trying to get used to this..
Here is the 8 inch gill picture.
Hi Jim, good to see those smiles on kids, nice work and photos.
Yep !! Great pix for sure…Looks like the picture info worked out for ya !!
Hope to see ya on the ice !!
Thanks guys, I hope to get on Pool 9 & 10 again in the next several weeks. I am off work until Jan. 18. How is the ice today? Water on top or did it freeze back up?