Was back on the water this afternoon for a few hours before the Cyclones(Iowa St.) had their Bowl game.My family are big Clones fans so we had to make sure we made it back for the kick off.My usual partners in crime were with me today along with their little bro Cade.We were trying to get Cade his first fish through the ice on his very own.
I’ve had Cade on the ice last year a few times but I would set the hook and let him reel in the fish.Not this year,he was going solo.I choose a farm pond that has had a terrific bite on panfish going the last week.It didn’t take Cade long and he had his first fish on the ice.Here is Austin helping him take off his perch.
Mom only wanted Cade on the ice for a short time so she drove out to pick him up.He was not very happy when mom showed up to take him back home.But as she drove up he caught another perch and had to show mom his fish.
Cade ended up catching 3 perch during his short stay and now has got the ice bug.Cole was out and about in his 1 man unit and reported catching alot of fish.He did catch 1 huge gill that went back in for another day.Austin and I caught many perch off of Berkley PowerNaturals(Gulp!)Infact we noticed they bit better on the artificials than on live bait today.Don’t overlook Iowa’s farm ponds this time of year.They can be alot of fun for the younger anglers.Here is Austin with a perch.
We are planning on hitting West and Spirit tomorrow.Hope to have a good report Wenesday night for you.
Ryan Hale
I don’t know whose having more fun-the kids or you getting them all hooked on fishing!
Theres nothing better than seeing the kids catch fish. When Nate was alot younger he always went down to Foster Arend Lake which is only a couple miles from where we lived and did both open water and ice fishing. Then I finally bought a portable ice fishing shack and he used that down there. Today the house is at his place [he moved to Red Wing [Mississipi River pool 4] 2 weeks ago. So last year, even though hes a big kid now, when I bought my Fish Trap Scott I also bought him one too. Nothing better than seeing your kids having alot of fun fishing no matter what age they are.
Thanks for the report. Always alot of fun reading them. 
Thanks, Bill
HEY!!, nice report Ryan, glad to see the kids havin a blast and puttin a few on ice. Wife and I lived in Cherokee for quite a few years and loved the ponds in that area. Finally got the wifey as hooked on ice fishin as on open water and purchased a new portable and auger this year. Am headin up toward folks place this friday and wanted to try Millers for some pike and gills…any idea what this warm spell will do to the ice?, and safety concerns other than wet feet? appreciate any responce ya can give me.
Ryan- Looks like you guys had lots of fun!!! Cade is just adorable. How old is he? How long did you get him to stay out there with you guys?
John,nice to see you back on IDA,been about a year since I seen you last on the site?Let me know how it went at The Lakes.
Tamara,Cade is 3 now.He was out on the ice about a hour before Char came and got him.We was not very happy as he wanted to stay and catch fish with Dad and brothers.
Cade is adorable,looks just like Dad.
Ryan Hale
That is pretty good for a 3 year old. I am hoping Carinsa does better this summer in the boat. Take care.
We’re “iced in” down here. Your post answers my E about your ice fishing progress this winter. I haven’t met Cade, but it’s neat you got him out there! My ice fishing has been on two farm ponds & we had good success. Pink jigs and waxies; tried spikes, but the waxies were better. They were finikie (sic), but you could get them up off the bottom. Let me know about the Okoboji Carnival.
Thanks. Rick
Ryan, yeah we finally updated our computer system and got back into the 21st century…tough choice..new boat, new computer…seemed like a no brainer..lol. Now have both..yeehaw! Went up to west okoboji on friday and was planning an attack on millers bay probably. Drove into the walk out area and ran into 2 guys coming of who reported very little activity at all, knew the guys from years back and my B.S. detector didnt go off, so we moved on. My next plan of attack was to check out the spencer beach area, but noticed a hell of a lot of activity in the canals at millers entrance. (watched 4-5 crappies caught in the time it took to cross the bridge), well we stopped and tried it, good choice. fished for 4 hrs and wound up with 13 10-12″ crappies (fatties) and an even dozen big bull gills. no exageration im bettin we threw back 4 times that many fish also. Most guys were reporting seeing a ton of fish in this 4-6 ft depth but they were inactive. found out they wanted a ratso finkee jig in glow green real bad with wigglers, and the rest was simple. Also caught 2 snake northerns (little guys) several bass around 29 inches, and 1 13 inch walleye. Most amazing thing of the day was watching wifey fish and lose eventually a true 30 inch walleye. For what ever reason there were quite a few bruiser walleyes cruisin that canal..baffled me! Think we saw every major species that lake has to offer that afternoon all in 4 ft of water in a damn man made canal…lol. was fantastic! Well, the hard water bug has bitten christy with such forosity that she has booked a 3 day weekend for the 15 16 17 of january to go again. Similar for you im sure in seeing your children succeed, i love watching my wife get so addicted to the outdoor life i took for granted for too long, no more! Hope to hear from ya soon, if you wanna shoot the bull sometime or hook up and go feel free to i.m. me and ill get ya a number. Keep up the posts ryan, i really get a kick out of readin about my ol stompin grounds!
John and Christy (the ice queen)..lol
laughin…..not 29 inch bass guys, im not that big a liar, meant 19…need a typist..sorry..lol
Mr. UNI Briggs
Did you enjoy the Clones and Hawks bowl games?Rick the Okoboji games are very busy,almost like Walleye Week-end!!
There will be a chili cook off and band on Friday night(28).All day stuff(games,polar bear club) on Smiths Bay ice on Sat.Usually a parade of snowmobiles on the ice Sat night.
Here is a # for you to call 1-800-270-2574
John,one of my friends that guides was in the same canals as you were Friday.He called me Friday night to let me know about the bite.I’m so glad you got into the fish.It is a blast to watch those fish all day isn’t it?The reason the big predater fish are in there is because their looking for food also.I’ve seen some huge northern in those canals in the past.
John if your bored I just wrote a article about site fishing West Okoboji.It will be in the In-depth article section.Maybe it will give you a few tips-hope so anyway.
The next time your in the area I’ll be on Devils Lake.But keep me posted.
Also try to get the Ice Queen up in late May or June for the open water bite.She’ll have blast.
Take care guys.
Were going out now to try a few farm ponds that are close to home.Very slick in NW IA right now.
Ryan Hale
hey, will definately keep ya posted Ryan! Read the article few days ago, very good tips in there. Forgot to thank ya for the tip on drilling two holes close together for sight fishing, man that sure as hell saves on the neck!, very good idea i will put to good use a bunch up there im sure!
Sounds like to me that there was probably a good food source in the canal with all those fish in there. You guys and gals are having way too much fun down there. lol.
Catch some for the rest of us and keep the reports coming.
Thanks, Bill