As 2004 comes to an end we anxiously wait and hope that 2005 is even better. For all of you that visited us this year we would like to say thanks for all the great memories and for all the great stories we shared together. We met lots of friends in 2004 and we hope that 2005 will bring us even more. With all the great memories in 2004 I thought I would share some with everyone.
It was another great year for us at River Guiding Services. We saw a lot of nice fish make it to the boat this year for ourselves and for our customers as well. However big fish honors went to this young lad. We did have bigger fish than this for the year, but this fish was caught during the dog days of summer and felt that this fish topped all the rest because of the time of the year it was caught compared to the rest. If this fish would have been caught in spring it would have been enormous. Nice fish!
This year started out again as same as the last three. Three of us Dustin Stewart, Rob Stevens and myself, started out the year by being the first ones out on the river. This was a great way to start the year. This day saw us pitching all day long to structure. This day we had over 60 legal walleyes come to the boat. What a great way to start the year. Check out Dustin’s Report from last year. Dustin’s Report
My tournaments took up a lot of time this past year but we were still able to find some nice fish. The month of March saw me in Spring Valley for three weeks while fishing the MWC and the RCL. I finished 10th in the RCL, in Spring Valley. This was my first Pro tournament my first top 10 finish as a Pro. The month of April and May saw a lot of great fish, both walleye and smallies. Big Bass honors went to Dylan this last year with two smallies that hit only a couple casts apart. They’re only bass Dylan. LOL!
I spent the first part of April fishing Lake Erie for the first time. What a great fishery that is. Here are a couple of my best fish on Lake Erie. See Pics below. This fish a Purple Demon ReefRunner in 30’ of water. The double I am holding came off of crawler harnesses. While I was out on Lake Erie my ol man was mopping up all the piggies here on lower pool 4. Lee caught this one while pulling three way along wing dams. Nice Fish Lee.
The month of May saw a lot of great fish come to the boat also. Here is one of mine I caught while pulling three ways along wingdams on lower pool 4. The end of May also saw some high water and the fish were going crazy while fishing in the flooded trees. During this time 75-100 fish days were common or at least for a couple weeks it was. Josh Petty had his best walleye ever this day. Being only 13 I am sure you will get bigger. I was also out on Devils Lake this month. Scott Steil, Erik Haslund and I had the opportunity to boat some nice catches out there during the RCL Walleye Tournament however they didn’t come during tournament time:(
June, July and August I really spent a lot of time on Lake Pepin. The best thing about June is I was able to get my little sister out in the boat for the first time and she put on a show catching two real nice fish. We got these while trolling sand flat with Wally Divers and Shad Raps. This presentation stayed pretty consistent all the way through the end of august. Todd Poeschel of Mondovi, and Paster Joel Bacon of Alma got to experience it also. Then august hit and this young lad nailed this fish while pulling bait along a rip rap shoreline on lower pool 4. August was still a good month this last year for wingdams. Here is Brian Sylvestor with one of the walleyes he got with me this day. O kay Silly, you got them all this day. There I said it. LOL!
As September came along it found us fishing pool 5 again. Trolling side cuts and live baiting wingdams was the best presentation that month. Jack Reynolds took this nice eye while trolling shad raps on a side cut. In October Ted Kadzie nailed this fish while trolling the same side cut. Less Carson had a good day too with this double he is holding. These fish we double up on while trolling the same side cut.
Then it happened. November big fish came alive as soon as the water temps dropped. Tom Gursky and I had a great trip while pitching rip rap shorelines. Ross Kuhn even nailed this big Northern the next day after the Trip with Tom.
As you can see we had a lot of fun again this last year. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for some great sponsors that helped support us all year long. These include. Smitty’s Marine, thanks for keeping me on the water. Lund Boats for the great comfort; Evirude, for taking us to our favortie fishing hole; St. Croix Rods, man those rods are good. All these fish were caught using St.Croix; Gander Moutain, you saved me some major $$ with all your great products; B Fish N tackle, one word- “Plastics”
Thanks to everyone we met this last year. We made a lot of new friends once again. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Bring on 2005.
Rest of pictures to follow in progress.
Lake Erie.
Fish from the lower end of Pool 4. I caught this one trolling with three way and cranks on a wingdam
Lee with 30″.
Lee with 31″. While I was in Lake Erie looking for big ones.
Scott Steil, Erik Haslund and I prefishing for RCL Devils Lake.
Erik Haslund
Myself on Devils Lake.
Finally back on Pool 4. Taking my sister out for the first time.
Josh Petty with one of his first walleyes ever.
July and August. Ohhh the Lake was going good.
Todd Poeschel.
August still had the wingies going for the new manager of 4 seasons sports, Brian Sylvestor. So what, you caught all the fish this day
. What are you trying to say.

Ahhhh! Good ol pool 5. Such a great place to be but so little time. Jack Reynolds.
Another pool 5 walleye in Late September early October. Ted Kadzie. Caught while trolling jointed shad raps.
November rolled around than this happened. Who is this guy?
Tom again! He was on fire!
Tom did let me catch one this day. Thanks Tom!
Not only walleye in November but we had a few northen as well. Ross Kuhn with his best fish of the day.
and finally…..My last trip of the 2004 season was last week. While battling the 30-35 mph winds we did manage to catch a couple nice fish. Ed Diem of CLF with his best.
Here are my last two fish of 2004. Well unless we get a heat wave by next week.
Once again I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. We met a lot of great people on this site once again this year. Also a special thanks goes out to James Holst for doing a hell of a job with this site. With out you James we would not have this awesome site to come too. Thanks
Also a special thought goes out to a fishing buddy of all ours that past away this spring. IDA member and my co angler–Travis Renville. Our thoughts and prayers are with you family.
Great report and great year Bud.
Thanks, Bill
Great report and a wonderful pic of your family (Perfect Shirts!!!). While the fish pics are all great and Carl and I did not get any big ones, it was pleasure to once again fish with you. I rooted for you all year long on the tourney trail and it didn’t quite work out this year, but it has always been great fun fishing with you, meeting your whole family and giving fun (s*&^) back and forth!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and all of your family. Tell Dylan I missed his reports this year, especially the with the ducks!!! Here’s hoping that you are guiding again this spring. Tell Lee that I really would like to buy his jigs this year in the right color!!! I did finally land that job this spring and will be moving to Kenosha in January, but that means I get a chance to hone my trolling skills on Lake Geneva this spring. I hope to be with you once again this April. I want to set up with you and Gursky for next Nov. and hope to catch the biggest fish between the three of us. LOL!!! Look forward to seeing you and your family soon!!!

Jarrad you and your family also have a great Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Good luck in 2005
I love the annual report and feel honored to be in it.
Lots of blessings to be thankful for here…but I liked the last picture the best. What a beautiful family! Thats where the REAL BLESSINGS are!
Can’t wait until next year big guy! I just got to get you to bring more pink ringworms!

Well… what can I say!! I guess I know where the real guide is on and in my back yard!!!
Next time I will show Lee!!…. then Dylan….then your sister!
oooooh k silly…….. by the way get my evinrude hat off! I’ll take you out an show what some finese fishin is….