Perch fishing/Silver lake Worth co IA

I awoke sat AM with the hopes of going ice fishing and The only thing that stood in my way were 30mi an hr winds. After pouting for awile I decided I might as well go check out the area ice situation. My first stop was the Lake Sport Shop and I talked to owner Jeff Hicks and he said the lake had 4in on most spots but be CAREFUL. Are conversation soon led to other area lakes and perch fishing in our conversation we both agreeded that there would be spots out of the wind. So with a few minnows and waxies I was off

My first stop was Rice Lake and even though I didn,t catch a fish I was happy with the 4 in ice. I was only a few miles from silver lake so I decided to give it a look when I arrived I was not alone as there were a few shacks on the north shore out of the wind

I walked out to the area being fished and drilled a hole a respectful distance from a angler that had a couple 9 in perch on the ice.I started out by using a kastmaster tipped with a waxie with 2 fish to my efforts. A fellow angler stopped on his way off the ice to show me a nice limit of 25 perch and he offered some tips. I soon swithed to a buckshot rattle jig and minnow head and that was the ticket. They wanted my yellow and orange jig to be aggresively jigged. I was soon on the way to my own limit of perch when mother nature took over the wind picked up and cloud cover set in. The fish did not want the weather change as they shut right off. By the time I reached the truck the temps had dropped 15 degrees and I was numb. E ven though I left the ice with 9 perch they were worthy of a fillet knife and a spot next to some fried tators and corn bread

Even though I felt comfortable on 4 in of good ice there is no such thing as being to careful. Early ice and late ice can be very dangerous. I ,LL qoute a saying I read on a saftey billboard YOU ARE EXSPECTED HOME TONITE Joe,s Guide Service 641-749-2239


  1. Good to hear you got out this weekend. I managed to get over to the lake for a drive around with Kingfish today. Ice is shaping up nice. Did not see anyone fishing. There were some guys out with their ski “sailboats?” Not sure what they are called. Also made a trip to Fleet Farm for a new ice rod and reel. Ready to go when you are. Look forward to hitting the hard water soon. OUT…

  2. Hey Joe, thanks for the report!

    Saturday was the first day of a pretty cold arctic outbreak over most of the region. It should have built up the ice depth quite a bit, but I haven’t been out to check. If you, or anybody gets out around Iowa or Illinois in the next couple days, would you report it on here? It would help a bunch!

  3. Thanks for the report Joe. Glad to hear that ice is forming south of where I live which should mean that the ice around Rochester should be getting better. Thanks for sharing the change of presentation with us. It goes to show that if one presentation isn’t working well then don’t be afraid to switch to something different. Thanks, Bill

  4. Joe,thanks for the report.Glad to see you iced some perch.You ever see that SLOW father-in-law of mine around?I’m sure he talks the world of me doesn’t he?
    The boys and I are going to hit Dog Creek Wenesday and Spirit on Thursday I hope.
    Ryan Hale

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