Mississippi River Pool 4 Fishing Report 12-2-04

Since my last report a couple of weeks ago, the biggest change I have encountered has been being on the water during bright sunny days instead of those nice cloudy days I love to see this time of year. This past Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I had to deal with those bright blue bird sunny days . The catch rate on the shallower fish is impacted greatly in these kinds of conditions. If you are a first timer when it comes to the “pitching shallow game“, I would highly suggest picking a cloud covered day to give it a go or fish just the peak times of sunrise and sunset for the best chance at the fish of a lifetime right now. This will boost your confidence levels using this application V.S grinding it out on an off day and maybe only boating a couple of fish during the off hours off this bite.

Right now the peak time for the better than average size walleye has been sunrise and sunset. I was able to boat fish right up on the banks until around 9:00am the past 3 days. After 9:00am things got down right tough going for good numbers until around 3:00pm, then the fish seem to put the feed bag on again. But with a few adjustments I was still able to get some action in the shallower depths during the down times with 5 to 8 fish in the 20” to 23” class making a showing on 2 of my 3 days on the river. Down sizing to 1/16oz jigs an fishing them "super slow" worked the magic to fool these nice eye’s in to biting during the off times. With the water temps in the upper to mid 30’ those walleye are not in the mood to chase a bait very fast, or very far when they are resting on a full stomach following the morning chew .

With the water clarity clear as it is now, my confidence colors in ringworms has been pro blue and oyster shell. I spent a lot of time by myself the last 3 days on the water. Having 2-3 rods rigged, each with a different color ringworm, allowed me to rotate colors every 2 or 3 casts. In return this helped me dramatically to narrow down the color selection quicker with out another stick in the boat. Once stumbling on to a favorable color for that particular time, I was able to capitalize on a few extra bites.

Ringworms were my best mid day baits but the 5” k-grubs rigged on a 3/16oz precision head from B-Fishin tackle were the ticket for those big mama eye’s come the peak times of dusk and dawn. Everts Resort manager Steve Vick joined me on Tuesday evening for the dusk bite. Steve definitely had the hot hand on this evening as you can see him in the pictures above with 2.…….dang near identical walleyes caught on a pearl blue s/p k-grub . One of these big eye’s hit the digital scale at 9.2lbs and the other was just shy of the 9lb mark. Nice fish Steve! Maybe next time you could let me catch one . These fish were caught 10 minutes apart in less than 5’ of water.

The sauger bite appears to still be going strong from the observation of boats in the channel around me. I saw plenty of action and a lot of bent rods from time to time. Boats 3-waying cranks and bait saw some good action as well as the jiggers using plastics, blade baits, and minnows. Talked to several guys back at the resort saying “the sauger bite was great“. A majority of the fish have been on the smaller side but a guy should be able to boat a nice 2-3 man limit of eaters.

That’s all for now. This will be my last report for at least a month. Good luck out there and save a few big eye’s for me on my next trip !

Pictures may be clicked on for larger view.

I’ll see ya on the river !

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When not at work I'm busy playing fishing guide on pools 3 and 4 of the Mississippi River.I will fish Lake Pepin but the bite has to be really good on the lake to get me off of moving water.


  1. Glad I went out that day Dustin. It’s not too often you catch two nine lb class eyes in 10 minutes. Right place/right time! Now is the time for a real legitimate chance for a walleye of a lifetime. Get out and enjoy some of the best fishing of the year. Thanks Dustin for the fun trip!

  2. Thanks for the report Dustin. Since you recommend the sunrise bite can I blame you for us getting Steve out of bed tomorrow morning? The boy and I will be down about 6 or so. I have a digital camera now so if Chris sticks a big gal we’ll get it on here tomorrow night. Thanks again.

  3. Quote:

    Since you recommend the sunrise bite can I blame you for us getting Steve out of bed tomorrow morning?

    Yeah, sure, go ahead and blame me I won’t mind

  4. Hey Dustin nice report. Who is the guy in the orange hat.
    Are you taken deer hunters fishing?????
    Steve nice fish way to go.
    Hey Redneck remember with your new camera take plenty of shots before you release and even during the release.
    Also with the cold weather don’t drop it over board.
    Another thing I do with mine is I keep it in a pocket next to my body heat…the batteries last longer.

  5. Keeping the camera in a pocket is a great idea. We keep ours in our Plastics bag and by the time we get the camera out everyone around us has seen was too much of the fish and we draw a crowd. I’m going to give the pocket idea a try tomorrow, plus it will stay dry inside the rainwear.

  6. Dustin, very nice report, Steve, way to go on the Walleyes, two mama’a in 10 minutes, man, don’t think you will be sleeping too much lately. Get Amber out there for an hour one of these evenings. get her pic on here with a BIG one. hope to see you soon. Jack..

  7. Hey Steve, beautiful fish! Hopefully you can pop a couple like that in the spring when they might go over 10 lbs. Two 10 pounders in 10 minutes would be even sweeter!! ‘Course you wouldn’t hear me complaining about two 9 pounders in 9 minutes either!!


    Those are some nice pics. I’m curious as to what your taking out in the boat for a dig-camera these days? Looks like my trip for tomorrow isn’t going to happen . Probably won’t be until Sunday for me. Thanks for the report !


  8. My camera is a Sony Cyber-Shot model number DSC-P71. Don’t know much about the camera it self other than it does a good job at taking pics for me. I got it as a gift a couple of years ago so it’s probably out of date by now . Still works good for what I use it for though

  9. Way to go guys! Best thing is both of those Mommas are out there ready to “thrill again!”
    If I only lived closer(sigh…)I’d live at Everts

    PS that is a great camera! I have one too..

  10. Hey Steve and Dustin, Great fish!

    I’ve been away from the pc..deer hunting…and I just read the report. Hope to see ya soon….B

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