Could it be Déjà vu all over again! Same time and day, same presentation, and same weather conditions one would think that the bite would have to be the same as last year. Nope, better and bigger!
My trips this week started out with IDA member and field staffer, Tom Gursky. With rain and overcast conditions we headed right for the pitching bite. Anywhere we could find structure and rip rap we tossed. The first spot we stopped I landed this pig on a fire cracker ringworm. Most of the fish we found on Friday morning right away were in less than 3’ of water. We would work an area over for about a ½ hour and then move on. Once I hit all the spots I wanted to target I would start over again. Every time we came to an area we would hook up. The first fish Tom is hold is an example of that. Friday produced over 40 legal walleyes by 12:30. Best color for Fridays excursion was a firecracker ringworm set up on 1/8-1/4 oz regular round jig head. One other hot color produced Tom’s biggest walleye. I have never seen a color so ugly in my life but knowing Tom he would have to try something different- Tom’s pink/purple/pepper passion ringworm. It got to the point I had to almost ask for one. Tom I think that walleye gagged on that one. YUCK! Thanks Tom for coming down can’t wait till next year. The fish keep getting bigger every year in our trips.
Sunday we saw the total opposite weather conditions. Calm skies, bright and sunny I figured that the pitching bite would none existent. The morning started a little slower than Friday but still saw some great fish all the way up until 10:30. Too start the morning off Ross Kuehn of Rochester, Mn nailed this great looking walleye up in 3’ of water on a Fire’n Ice ringworm with ¼ jig head. As the sun started getting up higher in the sky I slowly moved our presentation out a little deepen in about 14’ and nailed this pig. One thing that plays a major roll in pitching is “slow motion”. I always tell everyone that this time of year you don’t want a lot of movement in your baits. Twitching or popping the bait will leave you with more slack line and missed opportunities. If you do move you bait it is very slow and usually involves the rod tip only moving a few inches. I believe in your line being tight 100% of the time. One can do that more by angling your throws more versus a straight on throw.
After the bite slowed down with pitching we went up and started vertical jigging with the good ol’ Super Doo. We did manage a lot of smaller fish doing this until I found one sweet spot. I found a little back eddy and had a hump on it that produced a lot of the bigger fish. Most boats I saw blow right by it. Most of sauger we got there where in the 18-22” range including a 22” sauger that Karl Kuehn of Himec, Inc of Rochester, MN caught. See picture below. Super Doo’s in the Chartreuse pepper and Chartreuse Pearl were our best color of the day. At about 1:30 hazy skies came around, so I went pictching again with very good results once again. It was one great weekend to be out there especailly when you are catch fish from 18-28”.
Walleyes weren’t the only big fish this weekend Ross Kuehn nailed this huge Northen while pitching a rip rap shoreline. This fish just inhaled a chartreuse/pearl ringworm. Thanks Ross and Karl can’t wait for the next trip.
I would also like to say Hi and thanks to all that emailed or called me this last weekend saying that they heard me on the THE OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE radio show at WYLL 1160 am Chicago with Steve Sarlay. It airs from 7-8am every saturday morning. I had a great time doing that. I will post the link to hear the download sometime next week.
Tom Gursky
Ross Kuehn of Rochester.
Karl Kuehn of HiMec, Inc. nice 22″ sauger.
Tom Gursky with another nice eye.
Tom Gursy with a double.
Thanks for the report and pics Bud. Great to see Tommy happy. Hes a really nice guy and loves the walleyes on pool 4. Thanks for the details and sharing what worked best. Thanks, Bill
Great report Jarrad, you lucky guy Tom.
I was just about to pack up a few “pink/purple/pepper passion worms” in a gift bag for you Jar…..but……now!!!
I have to again thank Jarrad for a another incredible post-Thanksgiving trip on pool 4. It couldn’t have been much better as we both boated several 25-27″ Piggies. His knowledge of the river structure and great knack at boat control and positioning was peerless.
I absolutely LOVE pitching jigs/plastics to shorline stucture and there was a great bite there last Friday. I was also impressed with the 6’6″ ML St.Croix Legend rod I took with me to put to the “Big Fish” test. I was a little leery of this very lightweight rod and 6# Sensation Solar line but all the big bruisers succumbed to the slim green rod, and hooksets were solid, even at the end of long casts.
I also enjoyed seeing several IDA guys out there having a great time also. You’re so right Billy …..I LOVE THIS PLACE!!
and the Walleye too!
Put me down again for this trip next year good buddy! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
You’re right Jeff! We only fished about six hours(6AM-Noon) and boated 40 eyes. Most of em whoppers!
Great pics Jarrad!! Makes me wonder why anyone would want to put the boat away this time of year!!
Was that you in a white lund I thought that I saw you but I didn’t want to say anything. I should of because I thought that I saw the in-depthangling sticker on the side of your boat.
Thanks for the report on colors and pics. Hopefully they keep feeding for a few more weeks and the weather stays in the 30’s.
Big Beaver,
Did the boat look like this……….
IF it was it is For Sale and it was me. I probably wasn’t wearing shorts though

Yeah, I saw you there as well on Sunday around Noon or so. I was in the smaller Alumacraft with a full camo snowsuit and orange camo ski mask. Had to stay severly overdressed as I have been battling Strep Throat all week, but I had to go fishing. I was with the guy of whom I introduced him to you as a bass fisherman, and you said I’m sorry to hear that !!!

That was pretty funny, as you could tell that was my first time fishing Red Wing so I felt pretty much like a rookie as I watched you and your clients yanking in fish left and right. Thatwas me in this boat, minus the big ugly dude in the Orange Ski Mask
Both you are Jarrad were looked like you were doing a good job of slaying them. I was a neophyte just kinda watching everyone else and *trying to learn*
one thing I learned is boat control is everything, maybe one day I will eventually figure it out!
yeah, That was you, we were fishing side by side, almost right on top of eachother. I was the on that was up front running the trolling motor in a white forester. I would love to have your boat. It is very share. I and I saw that it can catch some fish to.
good luck the rest of the year. 
WOW.What an awesome trip to Red Wing on sunday
Big walleyes,big saugers, a big pike and even a smallie thrown in for good measure.
Best day on the river Ross and I ever had
Looks like you`ll be hitten the tackle shop after we got done with you
Looking forward to doing it again
The Wife would sure like that boat for Xmas
It just won`t fit in my garage or budget 
Thanks again Jarrad
Karl Kuhn
Great report Jarrad, as I was reading it I was right there fishing with you except I wasn’t feeling the pull of those AWESOME FISH. You remember days like that for a long time and it’s really something that you can help people experience them. Thanks for taking the time to make the report and the tips – you make it sound easy.
Man you guys sure do get alot of nice big walleyes over there.
Another awsome report. Yours and DZ’s report from pool 2 as well.
I have to admit. As far as reports go, its pretty hard to compete with you guys on the Mississippi. Not only are you guys excellent fisherman, but your fishery is 2nd to none as well.
You, DZ, James and Dustin pretty much dominate when it comes to consistently catching those big girls.
Pretty impressive!
Makes my sauger reports from Lake Wisconsin look like a poor mans lobster or something.
Great job! I know I’ll never get tired of looking at pictures of walleyes like that.
Hi Jarrad,
I should be on the river early tomorrow. My guest is from New England and this will be his first chance to fish for walleye. Do you plan to fish Red Wing tomorrow?
Nope not tomorrow. I am babysitting tomorrow. Wait! I mean taking care of my own kids,
while the wife goes shopping. I will be on the water late tomorrow afternoon if all works out. I will look for you. Stick to what we did when I took you and you will do just fine
We got on the water first light and a 24″ fat girl ate a Kalens on the first cast. Your favorite wing dam. My guest from New England is now on the scoreboard with his first limit of eyes. Sorry I missed you. How’s the duck season going for younger brother?