Sunday I got to spend some quality time fishing with my good friend Chuck Berray. It’s been at least nine month since I seen Chuck which has been to long. When Chuck and I get together we head to the Rock River for some walleye fishing and catching up with good times. We had so much to talk about it didn’t matter if we caught fish or not, but on this windy day we did get interrupted by catching walleyes like this nice one Chuck caught which we didn’t mind at all.
I decide to fish one of my favorite spots this time of year east of Fort Atkinson. With the wind howling at 20 to 25 out of the NW and not fishing since last Friday I was gambling that the walleyes or saugers would be there. The key was the water temp which last Friday it was 55 and the only way we would catch fish at this spot if the water temp was below 50. After I launched and got Chuck in the boat and comfortable and the wheels locked in, the first thing I checked was the water temp which was 47
. I new then we had a good chance at some good fishing. Soon as we got to my spot it didn’t take long and Chuck was calling for the net for another nice walleye like this one on the left.
OK OK I know you all want to know how we caught these nice walleyes which I’m having a great time keeping you guys in suspense. Chuck caught all his fish which were walleyes, white bass and a nice catfish on a dead stick with 3/8oz sinker, 12 inch leader with 4 pound test and a # 6 gold hook with a medium fathead minnow. Chuck did out fish me this day which that’s what I wanted. Anytime I take a friend or client fishing my goal is to get them on fish, it’s there time to have fun and catch fish. I have fun just watching there face when they catch a nice walleye or any kind of fish.
But on this day Chuck caught quantity but I caught quality like this nice 24 incher which I CPR on the right.
This nice walleye was caught on a 3/8oz glow/green Zone-R made by fin-tech tackle company and a 4 inch purple with chart/tail by vertical jigging in nine fow just off a break line.
The key for this day was #1 the water temp, which when it gets to the low 40’s the fishing we’ll get better. #2 boat control with winds in the 20 to 25 range running your trolling motor was key and #3 finding the current break in the river. I don’t know how to explain this but if you know how to read the river it will tell you where to fish. There are signs where to find the current breaks and that’s how I caught this nice sauger which was the only sauger we caught this day. The fish that we did keep for are fish fry I checked there bellys which all you anglers do, right
and the walleyes had five to six inch white bass or sheppies which tell me two things. Start fishing with large baits like 4 to 5 inch shinners or 4 inch ringworms and you we’ll catch nice walleyes or saugers like this one I caught on the left just before we decide to call it quits
When you decide to come to the Rock River to catch walleyes or sauger like Chuck and I caught, stop in at Barth’s True Value Hardware store to get your Nuckle balls or Zone-R’s jigs by Fin-tech tackle Co. and live bait like fatheads for $1.50 or shinners for $2.50 when in season which you can’t go wrong prices on live bait could change like the gas prices usally Mike is pretty good on keeping the best price on live bait, tell the owner Mike that I sent you and check out the in-depthangling banner where you get the cheapest bait around.
Click on photos for a larger view
PS. Just got this update that Barth’s Hardware store is going out of business. There Quitting Business Sale starts today most everything is 50% off.
Nice Report Jeff As Always,
says he want to fish.
I suggested to the other buyer a big bait shop is needed in this town.
If You haven’t heard Mike sold out at Barth True Value
Nice fish, Jeff and Chuck….now I reallllllllly feel bad about wimping out on sunday because of the winds. Serves me right.
Yes Andy is right, as I was reading this report to my wife this morning she told me Barth’s was closing
she told me we got something in the mail for the close out sale whichs starts today. We’ll the jigs and bait that are left you might get a cheaper price now. 
Don’t feel too bad Z-Man. I wimped out. I really didn’t feel like battling the wind. Not to mention the pre kid prep is a high priority right now at the house. Still fishing would have been better than spending 4 hours laying tile.
See ya this weekend
Got fired up from Jeff’s report, and took the afternoon off for a solo trip to the Rock today. Only fished from the bypass up to the VFW due to lack of time. And now for the bad news…only got one eye, but the good news is that she was a tad over 26 inches….jig and minnow, after throwing plastic all afternoon. 9 fow, just out from some fallen trees, and hit like a ton of bricks. Also got a couple white bass, snagged carp, and two fish that tore off a bunch of line, but unhooked….all that on a 4inch ringworm….and figures that I didnt have my camera with me for the eye…she’s still swimming.
Ed that’s real good news. For the short time you fish to get a nice 26 inch was well worth it in my book. The bad news is, you didn’t have a camera
Remember what my report said
I was fishing east side of Fort not west side where you were 
Great report Jeff! Keep ’em coming!

Nice fish Jeff and a great report to go with them.
Thanks Guys, the fishing is really starting to turn on. It sure is about time, I didn’t think the water temps would ever get below 50.
Don’t worry Jeff. I’ll be out this weekend to force the fish back into lockjaw. I think the kiss of death may even be interested in going out again.
I know that you posted the east side, so thats why I went west….figured you got ’em all.
And wouldnt you know it…. the wife had a brand new waterproof disposable camera she bought for me for the boat, but forgot to give it to me….but its there now, so gonna have to go back and get a bigger one. Diesel, keep the faith, man. things are bound to get better for you out there. Going to look for a favorable post from you this weekend.
I would have to agree, Derek it will pay off one of these times.
What time do you plan on going Saturday?
Lundmann where are you?