Full moon phase trolling on Mille Lacs has been one of my favorite times to be on the big water. With the lower water temps at the end of October this trip turned out to be a decent one. My brother Larry and I had a chance to spend parts of 3 nights trying to land a trophy. Neither of us caught a new personal best but we had plenty of nice fish for our efforts.
Thursday night started a bit slowly but we soon found the right combination of location, lure and speed to trigger hungry fish. We were fishing rocks on the east side of the lake. Husky Jerks were proving to be the best choice but we also caught fish on Rouges.
We were able to catch a couple of slot fish but our average length was closer to 26″ with the longest fish at 28 1/2″. We did take time to weigh a few of these heavy fish and found them to run up to a pound larger than what a Northland chart calculates as a weight for length.
After the huge thunderstorm on Friday evening we were still able to go out and find some hungry fish. It was also nice to actually see the moon which was covered the first 2 nights we were out. After trying a few different lures and colors, Husky Jerk Firetiger in #10 or #12 were the best.
Thanks for the report Dean, those are some awesome looking eyes!
I had to cancel my trip with James this year on Oct 20th as I started a new job on the 18th
Work always seems to get in the way of our fun 

You can bet your bottom dollar that I will make it next year!
Congrats on the new job. I’ve been through this a couple of times and it is not something I would wish on anyone. I know from your past posts this has to be a burden lessened for you.
Congrats on the new job! There is life beyond the blue zoo…good luck!