My one trip a year to Mille Lacs again did not let me down…That lake is only second to Erie for me as walleye lakes go that I have been to…On this Trip Scott "SHED10" Shedivy accompanied me for 5 nights of trolling on the Big Pond.
Our first night out after a 6+ hour drive was a great start to our 5 night stay. Pulling #12 HJ’s in 7-10 feet of water just into and just out of the weed line put several fish in my boat along with one angry toothy pike Speeds of 1-1.7 in these depths put us on our fish…We had 8 walleyes and 1 pike with 6 fish missed…Most all the walleyes had the cranks either just in the corner of their mouths or hooked up along side their heads as if they were bumping into them…but like one guys said this past week,,,they don’t have hands to check out the bait so they use their heads…
On the second night out and after some well needed sleep (this will keep your head from rolling off your shoulders
) We tried our luck on another bay that has a well defined weed line which seemed to be a good spot for the walleyes to ambush our offerings…and it wasn’t long and we were hooked up on some real nice walleyes like the pig SHED10 is holding in this picture, it’s a 26" 7 pounder. The wind had not left us alone, with 10-20mph out of the south, south east it was fun time keeping the speeds at around 1.5 and staying on fish…But it was easy enough because this night our boat had 10 walleyes for the night…the smallest 18" and we only had one of these but the rest were all over 20 with the 5 from 26" to a monster 28" 8 pounder…
The 3rd and 4th nights the wind was as bad if not worse than the first two nights…Boat control is the most important part of this trip because if you blown into the weeds your cranks will be full and if your to far on the outside there just aren’t as many aggressive fish out there…We tried to hit the south end with the winds out of the south looking for some shelter but it just wasn’t to be so we went in search of some where we could hide out from some of the 3-4 foot waves…after combing the shorelines looking for a bay that looked fishy and had a little calmer waves we settled in and started pulling some more cranks in the 8-10 foot range…The water temps had never swung more than 1 deg. the hole time we have been out and the moon never showed it’s face except for a wink or two…These past two nights were still more of the same…DeeZee jumped into our boat for some action and great conversation but it was only for a short 4 hours or so. It’s always great to see you Steve
I only wish our schedules would allow us to do it more often.. On the 22nd we managed to boat 9 more walleyes ranging from 18"-24.5" and the natural colors just didn’t put fish in the boat yet but the brighter colors were still working well.. As shown here, another pig caught by SHED10
Our last night out we had James Holst in my boat…This is always a treat because when the two of us get together we usually end up having pains in our sides from laughing so much, so if you saw a green neon glow stick franticly waving all over the place and tons of laughter in a boat that was us
But this didn’t stop us from catching several fish (i believe it was 19 for the night)all ranging from 16" to a real nice 27" walleye at the end of the night…With the clouds parting and the wind calming down the choice of cranks changed up quite a bit….James downsized his choice of cranks and went with a rouge jr. and landed this beautiful walleye…
Lots of fish, GREAT company led to another memorable trip to Mille Lacs for a full moon walleye bite…(Thanks James for a great night out on the lake)
Here are a couple more fish we boated on our trip
and another
and more
most all the walleyes were not this hungry
and another one
SHED10 with another
Mr. Holst
Great report and pic’s Dave, good to see you made it home safe. Welcome back.
Great report Dave,
It was fun to cross paths on the water up there last Wednesday night.
Good to see ya again buddy!
it was great to see you too !! That is one SWEET rig your running too Shawn…I hope to be able to jump in with you maybe this next summer for some open water Mille Lacs walleye fishing…!!!
Nice job Dave!
Thanks Wade…And that Garmin 162 that you sold me thru your store was the perfect too for catching the walleyes on that lake..I could never have done that with out the 162 !! thanks Wade !!
Thanks again Dave for talking me into going with you. What a trip!!! Those were the biggest walleyes I have ever caught.
Great time!!

Some really nice fish Dave. What kind of hood/stocking cap is it that you are wearing? It looks warm. Thanks for the report. Thanks, Bill
Bill, you call them a Balaclava…..a combo hat, face mask, neck warmer, whatever way you want to wear it! I have a number of them, they are the best cold weather mask I have.
Check out Cabela’s…..
Hey Scott, it was nice meeting you…..Hope you get invited back with aknook
again next fall.
oh boy…aknook
? what next ? 
I was great seeing you and your wife again Bobber,,,the pup still has a couple of teeth marks in my palm for me to remember him by
hopefully it won’t be till next fall when we meet up again !!
Na Dave it was nice to see ya again, as for the pup I’ll have her trained to look for you next fall! great pictures of some dandy fish!
You did’nt make any comment’s in reguards to the GPS use in you report this year? I’ll never for get last year!
sorry Dave, must have been a typeooooooooo
Thanks Bud. I’ll have to check them out.
Thanks, Bill
Good to see you made it home ok Dave! Early departure
Was good to see you again. Denise 
As it was seeing you too…Your husband surprised me when he woke me up but it was a great surprise
Lets make sure we get together again before next fall and I’ll see what I can do to get Debbie to join us too
YES, hopefully a time when the weather is a bit more dry!
Dry and Sunny and Warm and…..
Great report and pics Dave, Thanks for sharing it with us ,and you know I kinda like
Nice report Dave!!!
It was good to see you again, the visit was to short though. You found the fish over on the other side of the lake. I’m going get out tonight on the east side. Going to fish through the full moon.
Good seeing you again, and nice to meet you to Scott.
Til next time!