Spent the part of day fishing pool 4 with Mike Smith of Hooked On Fishing. The bite was slow for us while jigging sonars and hair jigs below the Dam. The best fish caught on sonars for us was a 18 inch walleye. We decided to try just lures and and hair jigs to see what we could catch on them. Most of the fish we saw caught we caught on minnows but didn’t see alot of action. The bite was slow and the area was crowded being it was a great day weather wise to be on the water.
We left the Dam area and moved down river to get away from the crowds figuring the fish may have done the same and switched to trolling 3-ways with a floater and minnow. That presentation didn’t produce what we were looking for either.
What did produce was casting crankbaits to the rocks. We noticed alot of minnows up by the rocks and sure enough-where the food is you will find the walleyes. Here is Mike with a 20” walleye caught casting crankbaits.
Here is another pic of Mike holding another 20” eye that fell to a casted crankbait being thrown to the rocks. Mike loves casting crankbaits and started showing the fish something different with that presentation and it paid off. Black and gold shallow cranks were the best presentation for catching the eyes. The bite will only get better as we see the water temps drop some more. See ya on the water. Thanks, Bill
Sounds like you had a good day Bill.Nice weather,good friend to fish with and a few coopertive fish to boot.My wife and I picked up a couple of HOF rods last weekend and im on my way to the river shortly to put a bend in one of them.Stuart
Great report Billy! I’ll be staying at Evert’s the first few days of November…pitching LEAD!

Stop on by!