Mississippi River Bass Fishing Pool 7 — 10.19.04

How’s that old saying go? “The best laid plans…..” That was what happened to us last night. Jeff ‘Haywood04’ ventured south from Winona to join me for what I was hoping would be a great Smallie bite on pool 7. The fishing was not as great as it has been but, for fish of quality it was all I could’ve hope for.

The past few weeks, my bite has been very strong on topwater. Hoping it was remaining that way, we started out with topwater and found the bite had died or at the very least, wasn’t going to happen this night.

Jeff boated this dandy Smallie on a small white grub that proved to be the hot ticket throughout the night. It was a very nice fish that we estimated going close to 3lbs.

Once again, we were fishing wingdams and approaching them in the same fashion as I had been with topwater. Even though we were pitching plastics. The current has slowed quite a bit and the water level dropped about 5 inches. This has scattered the fish all across the face of the dams making it a must to fish the entire dam.

The Smallie pictured here was caught on the end of a dam pitching a grub on a Super Do head. I will say, I am using a St Croix Avid spinning rod w/ 6lb P-Line, and that combo is deadly in these clear fall waters. Right now, it’s very easy to see bottom in 3ft of water. That’s why I traditionally use an anchor and make very long casts to not spook these fish.

The 3rd fish pictured didn’t come off a wingdam, but a shale bar adjacent to some deeper water. This spot has been my go to spot recently, and for good reason. It produces nice fish. I have to say though, I probably shouldn’t have caught this fish. I thought it was a snag so I gave my St Croix a stiff pop and the ‘snag’ just held and gave a hearty tug back.

Lastly, Jeff bagged this Brute and capped an evening with style. This fish hit the scales at 4lbs. It was SOOO fat. Truly an impressive fish. Great job Jeff!! It was my pleasure to share the boat with you and I hope we can do it again very soon.

I there’s anyone reading these reports that wants to get out after these fat Smallies for an afternoon, don’t hesitate to pm me.

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I am married to a wonderful wife and we have two beautiful children. I grew up in Dresbach MN on pool 7 and have fished it for over 20 yrs. For work quotes click the email addy below.[email protected]


  1. Great report, Blue. I will be headed out to 7 this weekend for some Smallie action… hope it remains. Probably last trip of the year for me, as I prepare for kid #2 on its way. Thanks for the “tips!”

  2. Hey guys I’m new to this site and new to fishing the mississippi. Could someone explain where these pools are that every one is talking about, Pool 7 or Pool 4 where are these? can anyone explain for me.

  3. That question is probably at the top of the list. Any chance we can get a direct link posted on the left side below the classifieds link?

  4. Welcome Swamp. You won’t have any fun with Dustin. Just kidding. I’ve never fished with him, but I’ve shared a cold one at the dock. He’s a great guy to hang out with.

  5. I can live with you doing a Louganis 1 1/2 pike off the bow of the boat as long as the entry is clean, but if you are going full Looseanus with the fish i dont think the rest of us need to know about it. Great fish, color me jealous.

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