Well After a great week of fishing on Lake Pepin in the In-Depth Tournament we end up with 2 fish. I couldnt figure it out…
All day at work it was buggin the heck out of me, So in the 10 – 20 mph winds I had to go back and try it again.
And of course it was just like prefishing! 2 or 3 fish every pass!
What the heck was wrong Sunday all the fish at Church?
I mean it was terrible! We could not buy a fish!
Today the waves were comeing over the front of the boat over the back of the boat and the fish were almost jumping in the boat!
We were working the same break I had worked 6 hours yesterday in the same depth going the same speed.
We were trolling leadcore in 18 to 20 ft just off the edge of a drop off, In the waves we were running 2 to 3 mph. And any color crank bait was putting fish in the boat!
We ended up with 7 eyes in 2 hours of fishing and only one that would not have made it in the box.
It was A little windy A little wet but alot of fun!
Good Luck Fishing
You’re a mean, mean person Brian. It figures, the same technique and the same spot….no tourney and you hammer ’em.
Lenny Jamison
Lenny I dont know what the deal was
But I knew the day after the tourny I would get’em
thats just the way it seems to happen!