Its always nice to meet another IDA guy up front and personal , even better……. fish with him.
Mark Benson and I have conversed via PMs on the website for quite a while FINALLY….we met each other halfway to try for some big Vilas county Mooskies.
Sorry…..the picture you see was not from our trip. It was from a previous Vilas county outing on a neighboring lake with my bud Pete Yake….but this IS what we were after.
Actually……..we BOTH forgot our cameras(yeesh!)
The weather was not the best with extreme high pressure but we had a good time exploring Sevenmile lake, a pretty 500 acre lake, complete with launch facility and campground(now closed)
We tried just about everything…..fished deep humps, weedlines, shallow bars………even shoreline riprap. Mark did get a couple follows and we saw one porpoise near the landing. But this is Musky fishing folks. The sunset and the temp dropped to the mid-40s. We both agreed that this still was better than the best day working.
Mark then introduced me Captain Nemos restaurant on route 70 just east of Eagle river. a GREAT place to go! Owned by well known Musky Guide Rick Kreiger. The walls are littered with huge Musky & Walleye mounts and eight aquariums.
Rick was there and OHH the fish stories we shared. By the way…a Phenomenal Ribeye steak dinner……..
Thanks Mark! It was great to meet and fish with you!
Finally got enough time from the hectic weekend to catch up on my rest and download pics to post. We had a great time although we saw no muskies other than the ones at Nemo’s. As always a great steak there. Here is the one we would have like to have caught as well.
Well we finally got to have our first Northeastern Wisconsin IDA outing. We hope to have another yet this fall. If anyone is interested in coming north and catching no fish, I can guarentee you we will have some fun!!! Here is a picture of all attending the first annual.
Wait a minute now. I was in Mercer a couple weeks ago by myself so that would make it the first outing. You had double the people for the second. Let’s keep going and see how many times we can double it!!
Winter ice outing??
Why the heck didn’t you call? Not that I would have been able to make it but always nice to know an IDA’er is in the area. Where were you at in Mercer, the TFF? Am always up for an ice fishing gig up here. Lets get some dates together, maybe we can spawn a big one!!!
It was a spur of the moment trip. Broinlaw had a cabin for 5 days and invited us up. More of a family time trip than serious fishing. Was on Martha Lake in Mercer but made the run to Fishermans landing on the TFF. Boy oh boy lots of stumps and rocks in that water!! Did manage some small eyes and some smallmouth but noting in the keeper range. Kids had fun with panfish off the dock at the cabin. I’ll let you know if I head up again.