First I would just like to say Happy Birthday to Mary "Fishing Machine" Christopher… This is the second year in a row that I got to take out FM on her home waters
As always she is a blast to be out with and time went way to fast..The fog was so thick that we didn’t make our way any to fast…here was an open spot after the fog started to clear
Two things we did today were, pitched jigs tipped with crawlers and trolled cranks…I really don’t think either out produced the other but we had fun doing both;) Here is a picture of the Fishing Machine holding up on of the walleyes she caught today…We never really caught any monsters but we did catch some for the pan !!
We worked real hard today for the fish we did catch…lots and lots of sheepies I even caught about an 8" crappie on a crank bait today…We caught a couple of cats today too…I think a couple of flats and 1 channel…but by days end we had 4 nice keepers to clean up and eat….
Thanks Mary for a great day on the river and I look forward to doing it again next year !!!
See ya all on the river
[email protected]
St.Croix Rods
Otter Outdoors
Dave Koonce’s Backwater Guiding
Sounds like an awesome day on the water!
Joe Jiacinto
Thanks a million Dave for an awsome day. Couldn’t ask for anything better for a Birthday gift. First time for me to pitch jigs on the wing dams. Was quite a learnig experience for me. Today Dave taught me something new. Never too old to learn. I will be ready to go again next year with you God willing.
Thanks Joe!!! Will hit the BIG 70 on Sat. 11 th. And only feel like I’m 40.
Well that is until I go to do certain things 
That Dave is something else. Lots of fun with him.
Great report and pic’s Dave, at least someone is catching fish.
It sure isn’t me
. But soon to come though.

PS. Happy Birthday Mary
Just curious as to what part of pool 9 you were fishing. Headed to the trailor in Lansing this weekend finally, been three weeks, busy with teaching and football. Should start getting good in the next few weeks with water temps cooling off. Its been pretty good around their all summer, so anything better is icing on the cake.
Thanks Jeff!!! Much appreciated.
We were fishing from Lansing up to the Dam….There are endless places for the fish to hide up here !!
Good Luck !!
I would also like to wish Mary a Happy Birthday. We met at the GTG and she is one classy lady. Mary, have a Happy Birthday and may you have many,many more. Looking forward to talking to you at the GTG next year.
Happy birthday Mary.

Lenny Jamison
Happy Birthday Mary!
Enjoyed talking fishing with you. We were going to go fishing sometime but now we moved so here’s hoping you have many many days of good bites and safe waters. Also supposed to fish with Herb but being even further away, oh well he still gives me the tips I need, maybe some day. Good Fishing to all. Don’t see too much of you Lansing Folks on IDA, know they are out there reading posts. 
So I will be around for some time to pester all you fine fellas out there. Good fishing to all!!! Thanks again everyone