Walleyes still moving up river on a good bite. Check out my report to see how my two kids and I caught nice walleyes for the grill Sunday afternoon like this one.
First we start off around 9:00 AM fishing the east side of Fort Atkinson where the Bark River comes into the Rock with no results. So I decided to move back down river where the Rock flows into the mighty Lake Koshkonong. I started off vertical jigging 3/8 oz Nuckleball jigs by fin-techco.com with a half of night crawler with some scent called Kick’N’Walleye kicknbass.com/kickeye.htm. The kids were casting jigs tiped with fathead minnows. That’s when Connor said got one on dad. Once again Connor put the first walleye in the boat and the biggest of the day.
I started off jigging in the channel in 10 to 12 fow with no results so I move to the edges in 8 to 9 fow where I caught my first walleye that’s in the first photo. Connor and Stephanie were pitching and casting jigs in 6 to 8 fow water when Connor hooked up with his nice walleye in the second photo. Stephanie was more interested playing with her toys most of the time or eating food. But when I hooked one on she would come and get the rod from me and reel them in. Here’s one she reeled in and Connor netted it.
We worked hard to fine fish and for taking the kids out fishing we were rewarded with some nice walleyes. For the day we caught seven nice walleyes which four were in the 20 inch range for the family cook out which we had Grandpa and Grandma over to eat walleye and sweet corn. We fished from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM and also caught one short eye and one white bass and a northern pike which we let all those fish go. Once again the Vektor Chart was right on the money saying peak times was from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Click on photos for a bigger view
Here’s the Vektor Chart for Sunday.
Looks like those kids had a great time Jeff!
Congrats on a successful day with them.
My little boy is 2yrs old now and I am finding a hard time fitting that huge toddler sized electric tonka truck in the boat!
I had the luck to get out fishing that day as well. Too bad the good luck was in the fishes favor. A great day to get out but I got on the water at 230pm and Jeff is right on the money about the bite. It was almost nonexistent after the peak time
. I caught a 14.5 and saw only two other legal caught. The white bass were on a tear for one boat throwing minnow on three way rigs. I was off the water at 730 pm. I plan to get out on Friday after work for a couple of hour. Hopefully the boat traffic will be much less.
Jeff thanks again for your hints. It is always good to see someone with their kids out fishing.
Good to see you out on the water Derek. Good luck Friday, I would fishing the same spot if I were you. Don’t get caught up with one color. Changing colors was key for me. Every day the bite was different color.
PS. I might make it out Sunday again.
Steve you could get a bigger boat.
Jeff, why are you still using those heavy 3/8 oz. jigs? We tried them and the fish were just sucking off the crawlers. I tried 1/8 oz. knuckle balls and did much better while my partner only could downsize to 1/4 oz and was still losing crawlers. It seemed I still had good bottom contact with 1/8 oz. I ended up with a couple eyes, 15 & 16″ and a channel cat before we ran out of crawlers cuz we only took a dozen. We were fishing the river near Blackhawk Island launching from Hwy. 26. After running out of crawlers we trolled Rapalas between the mouth and Vinnie and lost a 30+ inch northern and got bit off by another because it decided to run the line over another planer board. That all happened last Friday from 7:30-12:30 before I had to quit to make a trip up north to fish the weekend. We’ll be back this Friday, the fishing up north wasn’t nearly as good as the dead sea. I drove all that way for nothing but small large mouth bass and a handfull of undersized crappie and bluegill.
Gregg pictures say a thousand words. Those 3/8 oz jigs make noise when hitting the rocks and when in mud it stirs up the bottom which is key. I have great success with the 3/8 oz jigs which you can tell by my report. If I didn’t catch fish I would change, but that isn’t the problem right now. good luck Friday
Maybe we were losing crawlers because we were using whole crawlers on the big jigs. It looks like big jig/half crawler or small jig/whole crawler. Sorry I didn’t have pics for proof but the eye I kept sure tasted great.
Great report Jeff! Hey, what is that tool your kids are using to hold the fish? My daughter will not touch a walleye, so I can never get a picture of her with a fish unless I keep it and put it on a stringer or something. Need something to hold them and still be able to release them.
Another great report Jeff! Will be out Thursday afternoon fishing and then have to take a day off from fishing again!
Have a marathon 30 hour family fishing contest starting Saturday morning though!
Good luck and keep the awesome reports flowing! Oh, and get more jigs at Barth’s! 
John I know what your talking about, it’s hard to get my kids to hold fish that have teeth also. The tool I use is a old scale with a hook on it and I only use it IF I’m going to keep the fish to eat.
Paul I’ll work on the boss at Barth’s about the jigs. If you need some jigs quick I’ll hook you up, I have a good supply and were only a hop skip away
. Other wise try the web page http://www.fin-techco.com again or call 1-877-390-FISH to sumbit your order. 
Jeff I guess I’ll see ya on Sunday as I am putting out fires are work. I plan to get out early before the zoo begins. Hopefully the forecast will slow the boaters down.
Sounds good I should be out by 10:00
Fished Sunday from 7 to 1. I didn’t have much luck. Three bite and only one felt like a walleye hit. Only saw one fish caught but that is life. Here is a good one for all of you to let you know what kind of day it was. My fishing partner for the day stepped dog poo at the ramp.
Then he was bombed by bird poo
. Then I was bombed by bird poo
, then my wench rope broke while sinching up the rig as a boat came by at full speed and turned my rig off center
. We picked up the boat to shift it back. Enough said for our day on the water.
I hope others did better.
Sounds like the curse of the Rock got you! Had a few of them days out there myself too!Aint fishing great?
Yeah you gotta love fishing. I love telling this story to the guys at work. Needless to say my buddy may be banned from the boat for a while.
Good fishing until next time.
Hey Jeff……Sounds like you had a real crappy day.
Dave that was not me fishing with Derek. But I was fishing the same day and it was crappy.

Seems like the fishing has slowed. Hope to get out this weekend. Any reports from this week. May have to switch to drifting the lake for cats. That is always a blast if you can find them.
Went out Wednesday got one nice walleye. We mainly targeted white bass in the shallows which were there but biting short. Did manage to get a few, well at least Ted did.