Wow what a difference a week can make. Mike and I had a tough weekend. Saturday we had a 24 incher and 23 plus two 19’s and that was it in the walleye division. Here is Mike with the 24 incher. We took all our big fish Saturday on Bucktails popped back to the boat. We also dragged some crawlers. The numbers thing was tougher for us this day. So it was off to catch Bass..and catch them we did.. more photos to follow..
With the weather and storms rolling in and out of the system. Sunday Mike and I opted to run up to Lakeville and hit the Gander Mountain store. Looking for more of his Secret Bass Bait. Well we had a long run with little production they didn’t have any. Oh well we will keep searching.
Here is a photo of Mike’s Bait with bass attached.
Well we also have a photo of Mike with his first fish caught on his new rod and reel that he won at the IDA Get-together. This rod was donated in memory of Cory Johnson.
So Cory this Bass was for you. Thanks
FISHINFOOL thank you for this great rod and reel combo.
Mike really likes it alot.
Well we fished today Monday. Wow did we struggle for the walleye. We only boated five fish and the biggest was 19 inches. So Mike and I decided to bang on some bass with his Secret Bait. Huh! We picked up a good number of super Bass. Smallies and Largemouth most on cranks but a couple on the hair jigs. They were just pounding the cranks…
Here is another nice Bass..taken on a crankbait.
Did someone say Bass yet another…..on a crankbait
Hey lets not forget the bronze carp.
Hey lets not forget Mike’s Kittys.

One last photo of the many storms that passed through the area this weekend.
That is one darn lucky young man to have such a kick butt uncle!
Glad to see hes getting more use (eh-fish) then I would. Mikes the reason I give it and will give more to kids like him who love to fish. Good luck Mike.
Yeah, you’re right I am lucky. I always look forward to going fishing with him. He’s taught me alot this summer and I’m glad he’s spent the time with me to teach me everything.
FishNfool I really appreciate the Rod & Reel. I love it! I think it’s nice of you to donate one each year.
See ya on the water!