My plan this weekend was to spend some quailty time fishing and boating with the family Saturday and Sunday. Well I think I plan the perfect weekend because the walleyes, whitebass and northern pike were on a biting frenzy. Check out the rest of my report to see how I caught this nice walleye and kept the kids from fighting and the wife from getting bored.
We got a late start Saturday morning but it was well worth it. The kids wanted to start off trolling planner boards and crankbaits and the wife didn’t really care what we did just so she could relax. Now I knew I had my day cut out for me because I had to keep the kids busy so the wife could relax and hopefully she would take pictures. The first thing I told the kids is we had to do a check on water temps at the boat launch and that will give me a idea if we stay in the river or go to the lake. With water temps cooler than a week ago I was surprised. Water temp was at 74 and a week ago it was 77. With 74 degree water temps I told the kids your wish is my command so we went trolling. With in fifteen minutes of trolling my daughter said when are we going to start fishing. Now I knew I was in trouble, but it didn’t take long when I told her that we are fishing now and we got one on right now so reel it in. This is my daughter on the left with a nice whitebass we caught, one of many on a Rattlin’ Suspending Shad Rap SRRS-5 at speeds of 2.5 to 3.0 in six fow on one of Koshkonong rock bars.
White bass were not the only fish we caught this day as you can tell from our first photo. We were trolling Jointed Shad Rap (JSR05) also, when it was Connors time to reel one in. After circling the rock bar a few more times it didn’t take long and one of the boards went straight back and Connor had his hands full. On the Jointed Shad Rap Connor reel this nice northern pike on the right that was 35 inches long which we CPR that fish.
Like I told you in the begining of my report we caught whitebass, pike and walleye trolling and it wasn’t enough to keep my kids occupied. While I was checking the crankbaits so they didn’t have weeds on them the kids would start fighting. So there was only one thing I knew that would keep them from fighting until we caught another fish and that was food. Of course I always bring lots of food and drinks. That always works for a while, so during eating chips, pretzels, candy bars and of course health food like fruit and granola bars we managed to catch some nice walleyes for dinner like these on the left. So all and all, I can’t wait to get out with the family again and put some more smiles on there faces. We went home and grilled out walleye and talked about the good times we had and we should do it more often. I got to admit, after seven hours of fishing I think I did a great job keeping everyone in check. Feeding and bathroom checks and keeping the kids from fighting and keeping the wife happy, I think I passed because after there bellys were full the asked when are we going again dad. Which Connor and I went on Sunday which the photos and report will be added. Anglers don’t get caught up fishing with yourself or friends, take a kid or your family once in a while and you will get rewarded like I did. You know you had a great day on the water when you get home and the kids eat the fish you caught and fall a sleep and the wife gives you that look
you know you had a good day.
Click on photos for a better view
The fishing out there on Kosh just continues to impress when most walleue fisheries typically go into a slumber this time of year. Excellent report Jeff.
I did leave out how I caught that first walleye in the photo of my report that looks like one of Dustin or James walleyes from the mighty Miss. On our why out to the lake I noticed alot of anglers fishing at the mouth of the river. Well thats a no brainer when you see boats stacked up in a 100 yard stretch. So I told the wife on our way back I want to do some jigging. So after four hours of trolling we came back to the river and Connor and I started jigging. The good part was the ten to fifteen boats have left but the walleyes have not. I knew they were vertical jigging but I didn’t know what they were using but at water temps at 74 it’s a no brainer, leeches or crawlers. well we only had crawlers so I put on a 3/8oz pink and white Zone-R nuckle ball jig by tackle company and a half of a night crawler and a squirt of kick’n walleye fish attractant And it didn’t take long and you should have seen the eyes of my family on there face when I reel in this nice 30 inch walleye which we caught four others in the 18 to 24 inch range.
Quite the dandy! That spinning rod in the photo caught my eye and I had to ask. Did you get a weight on that mama? Thanks for the quick reply.
Here’s another view of the walleye.
Great report Jeff !!I knew i was in for a treat from what you said this morning !!
No James didn’t get the weight but I’m sure it was pushing 8 pounds which in the fall I would say 12 pounds. Me and my son Connor had another great day on the water this morning. Connor caught a 24 incher and a 18 incher and I caught two 20″ and one 16 all on half crawler and jig. should have photo up Monday night.
Great report Jeff! Not that I needed any more fishing fever, but you always manage to make me regret staying home a day!
Rain or shine I’ll be out plugging away tomorrow!
Here’s a updated report from Sundays outing with my son Connor. Walleye were still biting but slower, we started off fishing shallow early in the morning in 3 to 6 fow picking up some nice 16 and 18 inch fish. By 8:00 AM we moved out in the channel of the river in 10 to 12 fow and that’s where I caught two nice 20 inch fish and Connor caught a nice 24 inch fish which it was the biggest of the day. All fish were caught vertical jigging 3/8oz Zone-R nuckle ball jigs tipped with a half of night crawler. Here’s Connors nice 24 inch walleye.
Another look at Connors fish.
One of mine I caught.
My biggest walleye of the season so far on Koshkonong!
Inhaled my jig and fooled me for a few minutes before I realized it wasnt a walleye.
Did manage to cpr two eyes before the cold wind got the best of me.
Great report as usuall Jeff. They are some fine looking fish.
I’m green with envy. Just kiddin’. I’m just green.
Thanks guys, had another awesome weekend and will report Monday night. Carpking that looks like a flathead, was looking for you this weekend.
Lundman23 where were you????? Sunday we picked up 5 eyes over 20 inches and 2 in the 16 to 17 inch range.
I was out yesterday, fished mainly in the river and cpr’d 10 eyes, smallest was 6 inches, largest 20. Caught a huge and I mean HUGE carp trolling the lake! Lost a tackle box somewhere between Harbor Rec and home, thinking it was in Perkins parking lot when I stopped for pie!
Nothing like tossing several hundred dollars away! 
oh man sorry to hear that Carpking. That’s very costly fishing trip.
Carpking you been out lately?
Spent yesterday in a golf outing at Koskonong Mounds and wishing I was fishing. Today I fished and nearly quit due to rain. Just after rain stopped we could see minnows panicking. We found the white bass were eating shad and quickly matched a shad rap with the size and color. I didnt have any shallow runners though, but even bouncing deep divers off bottom was quite productive. We caught white bass for two hours straight and picked up 3 walleyes and a sauger also feeding same shad schools. This was one of those days you remember for a while!
Thanks for the report Paul