Darrin Marcure is a lucky kid.In the spring of ’02 he shot his first gobbler. Two hours later he caught his first muskie. Whaddya suppose happened when he came to pool 9 looking for his first walleye last Monday?
We had only been trolling DC-8 Timber Tigers for about 10 minutes when Darrin yelled "fish on". 10 minutes later I slid the net under a fat 27 incher. After fotos the nice eye was eased into the livewell until this 17 year old angler could stop shaking
We opted to release this almost-a-trophy and we continued fishing. Moments later he yelled "fish on" again–but it was just his line wrapped around the trolling motor prop. We eased up on a sandbar and I attempted to clear the mess. Darrin threw a couple of casts with my rod. "Fish On!" he barked as a 20 inch largemouth garwoofled his Timber Tiger. I couldn’t reach for the net because of playing "Twister" with the troller. When Darrin reached, the reel fell off the rod. Somehow we got the big sow in. It was , of course , released.
Looking back I have just two regrets…there are two days when i shoulda bought this kid a lottery ticket!
Thats a nice looking eye the kid brought to the boat
Just one question…………could you explain to me what a timber tiger is?
A timber tiger is a crankbait made by Worden’s, here they are at Bass Pro,
Timber Tiger Link at Bass Pro
Great report Ted.