This will be a multi report, since I fished both rivers the past few days…First the Fox…
I returned to the Fox about 10 days after my last report where Pete Yake and I really did well with 60 fish in about 7 hours. This time it was my Pastor, David Anderson. We caught a very nice day and got into a pod of males right away…Drifting vertically with plastics…
As we worked into the deeper water of the channel we started finder some nicer fish in the 18-20″ range…We used bright colored 3/16 H20 jigs and chart/green core mini moxies…The wind switched to a strong northerly breeze of about 15 mph…the bite tapered off markedly
We really worked hard to catch about a dozen more fish thoughout the windy afternoon…Then about 5 PM the skies became overcast and the wind switched around to the SW…The east side dam opened up and I noticed an old timer struggling with a good fish just off the big flat near the Dam…He netted a dandy! So I moved down river a ways and started pitching a 2 1/2″ Live Target Lipless crank bait up on the shallow sand (which BTW was about 4 degrees warmer than the channel) Bango!!! I just love that “CRUNCH” when a good walleye chomps a lure! The next hour we had a ball netting eight 22-26.5″ Fatties and losing almost as many…Daves phone got slimed and I’m disappointed to say we have no pics of those gorgeous fish.
Lastly, I finally got to fish the Wolf for walleye Thurs and Friday…Well, a LOT of fish swam by the Shiocton Cam and my friend Mark Flunker (a Freemont native) said NOW is the time! It was a very interesting area of many tight Oxbows up near the spawning marshes, flooded by the early runoff. Unfortunately, those girls were not dropping back yet and very few fish were caught by the many boats we saw. The weather turned sour by the weekend with pouring rain and 36 degree air temps. My partner Paul Pohlson and I left at noon sat soaked and cold, but Mark and his buddy Mel stuck it out and Mark managed 5 nice eyes, pitching up into the brushy edges…You guys were real troopers!
You can see the conditions when we left at noon…Pouring rain and cold… But ya gotta fish when you can and sometimes the fish win!

Any day on the water is a good day to a fisherman…see ya out there…be safe!
Nice report Tom!
Still waiting to see a report from the Menominee river.
Not sure if I will make it up there this year or not. Been a busy spring both at work and at home.
I hit the Wolf in the Fremont area Sunday morning hoping some would have made their way back down. Only one 14″er. Should have put in further upriver. This weekend should be on fire.
Its unfishable Joe…The Coast Guard saved several people from drowning the past two days, their boats are still tied to the breakwall by Marinette marine until the river clears…Its so full of broken ice from upstream its like a Glacier… water temp is 33 degrees!
Great report as always Tom!
When are you coming to pool 4?
Was there the last week of March Steve…I am trying to get over there once or twice this Spring/Summer…
hi Tom,
Looks like a good time.
Nice going.