The fishing on Pool 4 is as hot as the water temp. Almost all technique’s are working. I have been concentrating on jigs…hair and live bait..Vertical and dragging with some snap jigging thrown in. My nephew Mike Anderson is becoming a legend in his own mind. Here he is with a ten pounder.. These pictures are from the last two weeks..Been fishing too much and not enough computer time. I’ll try and get more reports up in the future. If you can tolerate the boat traffic the fish are to be found in the Wabasha area. However the Boat traffic the last two weeks has been terrible..and I mean just crazy..They let anyone pilot those big rigs.
The last two weeks have been just on fire down in Wabasha not alot of wall hangers but nice limits of 15 to 19 inch fish. With a fiver + thrown in on most days. I have been taking all my fish on jigs 1/16 to 1/4 bare hair. With some jig dragging with crawlers in the cuts off the main channel..Here is a photo of July 4 fish. Mike’s learning how to fillet fish so we kept these for him to fillet. If you see him on the water ask him how his filleting is going?
July 5 we stayed on the water until 7:30pm because the smallies were just going nuts. Mike and I boated over 30 fish in less than three do the math it was wild.
We were pitching 1/32 oz jigs with leeches up on a 4 foot shelf and they didn’t sit long the bass fought over them. It was a blast…You can tell by the smile. On the way back to the landing Mike says to me that was the greatest fishing trip he’s been on! Oh no the boy likes Green Carp.
What’s a Walleye Uncle to do?
The bucktail bite for me has been productive.. I’m not putting limits of fish in the boat but they are some quality fish.
Mike and I made our first trip to Redwing in about two months last Saturday July 10. Wow what a day we had three legal limits with four fish over 22 inches..and at least 6 biggins that got off at boat side. This is one of Mikes nice Redwing eyes. We were dragging jigs with bait. Crawlers started out the day and the bite turned to leeches for us later..we just kept switching up. They were not slamming bait just a pick up a hold and a hook set..Walla nice big eye.. We had a great time in the redwing area.
I hope to see everyone up at the In-Depth get together on July 31..Sounds like a great time and the fishing should be great. See you on the water.
Here is one of those Bass I was lucky enough to catch.

Cause Mike was hogging most of them.
This is a Wabasha walleye taken with a bucktail..She came in about 8 feet of water.
I really like this photo and I’ll probably get yelled at by the boys for posting it but it is one of my favorties.
This is my other fishing buddy Blake. The picture tells the story.
Did you say you like BIG FISH.. Well here is Terry Wiemann with a real large Flat head. Nice fish.
Here is another Wabasha Bass…Mike Anderson
One more Redwing Walleye..caught by yours truely Mike Anderson
Who is this guy???????? 
Vandy, those are some real nice fish… Those sheepies are great for the garden :-)… Man, I have the biggest tomatoes this side of the Mississippi
Here is one last picture sent to me by John Stears.
Thanks John nice shot.
That looks like the boat that was parked in down town saint paul last week.
Nice fish.
Thanks for the report Vandy
. I am heading up to Everts tonight and fishing the next 2 days with my brother from Pensylvania(sp). This will be the first outing in over 9days for me.
Good to see the fish on the upper end are, or were cooperating. I can tell by looking at the one picture I have a good starting point for my Wednesday outing
What color hair has been best for you and the fishing machine little Mike?
Hey Dustin…you better just stock up that pond..
cause Mike and I are coming up on the 31st..
We did have a great day just one of those where everything you do is right..
My bucktails are blk/green and blk/blk…is there any others??
Good luck
I’ll be down in Wabasha all weekend bangin with the Tuna Boats..
We saw Mike fishing in the Wabasha Harbor on Friday and the smile is still plastered on his face. I believe he is hooked for life. If your concerned about the “green carp”, you can leave em for me.
I cant believe you would even put that picture up of me oh well they are all great pics exept for that one
Mike reminds me so much of Nate when he was younger–one track mind–FISH FISH FISH and thats GREAT!!!
Stay that way Mike!
Keep catchin em little Bud.
Thanks, Bill
Well Blake we have to get you back on the water so we can put a different picture up.. Maybe one of those Bronze backs you like so much