West Battle Lake Minnesota Fishing Report 07/06/04

I would have swore this was the walleye opener with the terrible weather we had this week in the Battle Lake area. I brought my family along, telling them we could hit the beach and enjoy fun in the sun. Well, mother nature saw it different and failed to provide any sun at all and instead we saw some of the coldest temps ever for this time of year. Not only was it cold and wet, but the fishing was not so good either.

If you’re looking for walleye on West Battle right now your best bet is to pull cranks at night. #5 or #7 Rapalas worked fairly well this week. Run the cranks in 5 to 9 feet, close to deep water breaks. West Battle does not have the numbers for eyes but there are some pigs in there if you’re patient.

Even with the crummy weather we managed to get some fishing done. Pictured above is my wife, Tamara. She landed this brute of a Large Mouth Bass Monday night. Again, we were utilizing the good ol’ slip-bobber with a fat leech. Large shinners or chubs will work too. This is Tamara’s largest bass to date and it gave her one heck of a battle. She says I was "yelling" at her while she was fighting the fish but I told her that was "coaching". Bottom line, she got it in the net after a lengthy fight on light line. I wish the pictures would have turned out better but it had just gotten dark by the time we were able to take a shot. This biggun is still swimming around out there so someone else will have a shot (CPR please).

Finally, I had to include this photo of my son, Brendan and my daughter, Carinsa (age 2). Carinsa hammered this sunnie in about 18-inches of water over pure beach sand. She also managed a couple large mouth bass. If you have little kids, put an artificial on the end of the line and let them reel until their arms fall off. They love it and they can catch fish that way! Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!

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I am a freak for the outdoors. I mainly fish walleye and smallies but I'll fish for just about anything that swims. I joined the IDO staff in 2003 and enjoy being on the Management Team. I Full Bio ›


  1. Wade,

    Impressive, and the whole family got in on the fishing. Looks like everyone had fun in-spite of the weather.

  2. Quote:

    This is Tamara’s largest bass to date and it gave her one heck of a battle. She says I was “yelling” at her while she was fighting the fish but I told her that was “coaching”.

    This just cracks me up cause as I was reading that you caught this hog, I was thinking the exact same thing would happen if this was my wife!

    All I can say is

    Tamara you da WO-MAN!!

    Very Nice Bass

  3. Tamara says thanks guys! We did not get a weight on it but it measured around 22-inches. It’s hard to guess the weight with these big bass because of the differences in girth from one fish to another but I’d think it was around 6 pounds, but I’m emotionally influenced too.

  4. Influenced or not, you’re pretty close from what I can tell. Within a half pound anyway which is “close enough” in my book for a fish that didn’t get weighed.

    Definitely worthy of a little yelling and carrying on as it neared the boat!

  5. Thanks Riggy. I wish I had a scale with me but I honestly don’t have a ton of confidence in most portable scales. I forgot to mention that this fish also had a fish tail sticking out of it’s throat, another bass I think??? She was definately on the feed!

  6. Quote:

    Impressive, and the whole family got in on the fishing.

    I didn’t see Wade mention that HE caught anything….

    As far as “coaching” goes…the only thing worse is getting goose bumps when you see the fish……off to the dog house!

    Nice fish T! Is Wade paying you for lessons?

  7. Hey, hey, heeeey Brian. Easy now. You know you have to let the ladies win one once in a while!

    Just for the record sir, here’s mine from a couple weeks back. Dang, looks like she killed me on this one…

  8. Thanks everyone for the kind words. Yes I do love the fact I have a great fishing “guide” for a husband! There is one part to this story my husband forgot to mention. I was jigging and my pole needed some re-adjusting. Wade said for me to use his pole while he was fixing up my pole. It was already cast so I took over. Not more then 30seconds later the bobber went under…the rest is history. -Tamara

  9. T1B,

    Help me out here! I know that wives have a pac…but a couple years ago I bought a new rod set up. First time I used it, my wife ask if she could try it while I got her lure out of some rocks….Yup! 5 lbs walleye was the first fish on MY rod…not caught by me! AND she doesn’t let me forget it…

    So, how do you guys do it?

    PS the guide always want their clients to catch more and BIGGER fish..Wade did his job!

  10. That is one big bass Tamara! Nice catch and congrats on the nice photo and release! I would say around 6 pounds as well!

    Nice job!

    Wade, my wife usually puts on a clinic for me in my boat about every outing. So I know its coming and its a heck of a lot easier just to accept it!

  11. Brian- I had never really fished before I started dating Wade. Well he took me fishing for the first time in his boat. We were trolling and I thought I had a snag so I gave the line to Wade to help me out. Wade said that is no snag, reel it in! My first fish I reeled in was a 25 inch walleye. I think that catch made it official for my husband that I was the one. And I was hooked on fishing. -Tamara

  12. Quote:

    thought I had a snag

    That’s exactly what I’m talking about “a pac”!
    Anytime my wife says she has a snag…I get the net!

    All kidding aside, I think it’s great that the lakes we have give up good size fish for our spouses. It helps them see why we spend so much time on the water.

    Congrats and if you are like my wife, you’ll have the picture blown up to poster size, frame in and hang it someplace where Wade can see it….everyday.

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