On Saturday the 3rd , Jon J , my brother Larry , nephew Nick and I left the dock at 7 am determined to catch walleyes by deep water trolling. Our first stop took us to the deep gravel in the south central part of the lake. An hour of experimenting with colors and depths produced no fish for us. We decided to head for the middle of the lake and check out the mud. It did not take too long for the first fish to hit. It was Nick’s fish.
We were working a reasonable distance off of some of the central mud flats. Fish were showing up on the Vexilar Edge which gave us a chance to target those depths.
Larry was on deck for fish number two.
We continued trolling north using the slight south east wind to our advantage in keeping the boards and cranks running smoothly. We were running some longer sticks like a Smithwick off of 2 rods with some leadcore line to get the depth we wanted. The other lines were set up with smaller lures like a #7 Shad Rap and snap weights to get them down.
The next fish was Jon’s turn.
It took a while longer for my turn at the action. My fish hit and pulled the board almost under the water. Seeing that made me think large fish but just after getting the board into the boat my fish was on the surface. A bit of disappointment set in until the fish got close to the boat and decided to fight. It turned out to be 26″.
We ended up with 8 fish between 24″ and 27 3/4″ for our efforts. The weather was a heavy overcast and light winds making for a great day to troll.
Here is Nick with his second fish.
Larry with another.
Jon J with #7.
Our last fish for the day.
On Sunday the 4th , Jon , Larry and myself decided to head out to an area that was still giving up some keeper fish. We did get one at 18″ along with 3 nice perch in the 10″ range.
Jon did bring up the biggest fish of this trip at a bit over 26″.
Great Report Dean!

I’ve got to get back up there again soon!