Mississippi River Bassin; Grand Excursion Style

It took from Thursday till Monday but I saw the entire flotilla that took part in the Grand Excursion. At times the fishing was as spectacular as the flotilla. Friday and Sunday were slow but Saturday and Monday were days that won’t be forgotten soon.

My guest on Saturday was Dan Krzoska (MossBoss). We had agreed to spend a day on pool 4 this spring, but it took till Saturday to find a day we both were free. Dan is a new dad and free time is a little scarce for him. I believe the wait was worth it! The conditions were perfect with the water clearing and the level stabilizing. The air was warm and humid with a storm approaching. We started on rock structure for Smallies. I expected the bite to be tentative based on the previous day so I stared wit a fluke. However, Dan lit them up with a fast moving Storm ChugBug and almost every cast for 15 minutes. I switched to a Lucky Craft Sammy and joined in on the action. The photo is of Dan (lucky) on our first spot. That ChugBug in the picture was bitten off twice during the day by northerns. Lucky was still fishing it at the end of the day. In both cases the bait floated to the surface shortly after the strike and all he had to do was retrieve it and tie it on again.

We found a second spot, similar to the first and the action was the same except we found a few largemouth mixed in. Between the first 2 spots we boated somewhere between 30 and 40 fish. We left the fish biting just wanting to see what else was working. The answer was everything. There were some lulls but we caught fish on everything we tried. We flipped wood and banks, we crank baited and wormed. It all produced.

Around noon we went into an area with heavy vegetation and moderate current and a school of largemouth that were on the chew. The picture is of one Dan took by swimming a Brush Hog over the vegetation. From there it was flukes and frogs and about another 20 fish. We even caught 2 smallmouth in slightly heavier current near by. We were back at the launch around 2:00 and managed to get off the water just as the storm hit. The tally was somewhere over 50 fish with several in the 3.5-pound range. It’s hard to beat a day like that! I suspect Dan agrees.


  1. Great report John! It looks like you had lots of fun. Those are some very nice fish too.

    Dan, try finding time to fish w/ 2 kids. I suppose I could write a report on how to spend an entire holiday weekend w/o getting on the water.

    I’m happy you guys were able to get out and stick some quality fish.

  2. Great report John!! I fished w/Dan yesterday and he had nothing but good things to say!!!

    And by the looks of these pictures, I might have to plan a trip up your way

    Nice Job!!

  3. It was an awesome day John. I’m still dealing with sore ribs from all the hooksets!!! Those Pool 4 fish are some tough critters.

    Lots of fish, good company, and I learned alot to boot. Thanks again for the invite, I appreciate it.

  4. Were you guys near the dam early Sat? I only saw one boat bass fishing while we were fishing the flats by the dam. We also got into some smallies while we were there this weekend. Pool 4 is awesome

  5. Greta report John. I can’t wait ’til Fri to tie into some of them bass myself.

  6. Tom, my sympathies man, a long weekend without fishing is brutal. Jeremiah, we may get the chance some day. Dan, the pictures are in the mail. AM, we didn’t make it down to the Alma area until 11:00 so that probably wasn’t us and I agree pool 4 is something special. Mike, I’ll see you Friday AM. Steve, let’s go fishing someday.

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