This full moon trip to Mille Lacs was filled with reflections. Mostly because there was a lot of time between bites to remind one of the Glory Days of fishing with the likes of James Holst and Dustin Stewart in what I would consider the birth of what we see as the Fall bite at Mille Lacs today. Many presentations, baits and rods were made famous by some epic guide trips providing many anglers with their personal best walleyes! Articles on IDO showed what a great fishery Mille Lacs can be, and how virtually anyone could catch a fish of a lifetime! And many did! And this trip, another person experienced just that! As far as tactics and baits, the same Husky Jerks, Thundersticks, Rogues and jointers produced. Speeds of 1.3 MPH and depths of 6-8 feet worked best for us. Waypoints from years past proved invaluable during this tough bite! We caught fish on almost every old waypoint.
I also reflected on how time changes people and situations. I (We) lost a best friend in Tim Hukriede to ALS. Not a fishing trip goes by without quotes from “Hook” as we knew him. One of the best quotes was never spoken…but seen. While Hook was in the midst of fighting ALS, we were fishing on the west side of the lake at moon-rise. Fishing was really good (We were fishing “Stairway to Heaven” as some of you reading may know), but Hook was having a hard time holding onto his rod, so he set it down quietly and watched the moon come up. I took note of it, put the boat in neutral and reeled up myself. I caught the glimpse of a tear falling down Hook’s cheek. I matched his tears with many of my own. A memory I will never forget. Since then I have faced a couple of health issues of my own. Facing your own mortality slaps you upside the head and makes you face some things in your life that you may have let slip by you. I found out that catching the biggest walleye for the tournament, full moon week or the Opener is not that big of a deal. What is a bigger deal is watching your child catch the biggest fish of your life. Or to see a great buddy do the same! That is what builds the legacy you leave behind.
This year I re-connected with one of my best friends from High School, Ernie Companion. In the late 70’s Ernie and I were inseparable! How we lost touch is anyone’s guess. Marriage, kids and the day to day functions of life stepped in and we lost touch. Re-enter Ernie in 2013! Ernie was with me this Opener when I caught my personal best Largemouth Bass. Since then we have been getting together on the water and have been reminiscing about some of the things we did and still managed to stay out of jail! But hey, this is a fishing report. Normally the October Full Moon bite belonged to my son Ben and me. Ben had to work, and the only too eager Ernie stepped up to the plate with the promise of maybe catching the biggest walleye of his life! Boy, there is nothing like setting the bar high in the midst of a less than stellar bite! We managed 5 the first night, and the second night I rattled off 7 straight. Off the pace of years past, but that was not what this trip was about.
Day 2 started out with a plan to try an approach that my son Ben and I found a few years back. Corking big suckers over one of our favorite rock piles where both Ben and I got personal best smallies. It turned out to be a fantastic multi-species day with walleye, smallies and pike being caught. Ernie corked up and pitched out the right side of the boat and the cork disappeared as soon as it hit the water! He popped a respectable 17” fish, nice by any standards! But I told him “It will get better than this!” As the day went on, Ernie got his personal best smallie, Pike and walleye! All on the same day! As the time progressed I reflected on trips past with the likes of Kooty, Matt Grow, Ted Merdan, Jon Jordan Dave Koonce and his brats and many others who celebrated this Fall ritual with us. Man, I miss those days! But more than that, I have memories that will last forever. Good luck to you all who continue to do the same!
Having issues with loading pics, bear with me…
It’s not only about the fishing anymore – that was a great report Chris! I would have loved to be there but Disney called for my little girls. Next year lets plan on it again or maybe a one nite trip in the next few weeks?!?
Thanks for letting me tag along in my mind…
That’s one of the best reports I’ve read. Thanks for the wisdom.
Great Memories and Stories with family and friends, are the best part fishing and hunting.
great read…thanks for sharing
Makes you think about the important things in life and how much we take for granted some times. Nice report!
Nicely expressed and written. Aging does have its downside but those of us lucky enough to do so can take the time to reflect on the big picture. We just need a little poke from guys like you who remind us how lucky we are.
Grey Beard
The fishing was slow for us, but always enjoy being out on Milly. That moon rise on Saturday night was something else!
Nice fish and great read, Tuck!
Very nice
Best report I’ve seen in a long time. Fishing is just the reason to get us all together. As seriously as we all fish, in the end, the people you fish with end up being the most important part of any trip. Loved the read, and thanks for writing it up!
Great job Tuck !!
I agree with Ted… Lets plan a GTG for old time sake for next fall !!!
Johnsonville Brats in the bay !!!
Nice report Chris!
I have made it out there quite a few times and hope to make it quite a few more. There is something magical about being out in the dark waiting for that thump.
Awesome awesome read Tuck! My “city” friends always tell me how crazy we are for going out at night in freezing cold temps and as much as I try I can never fully explain exactly what it is that makes it so specail. Your report sums it up better than I have ever been able too… Well done Tuck!
Chris, Thank you for sharing that amazing story and for paving the road. I have learned most of my Mille trolling techniques from you and the names you have mentioned both by guided trip and by reading. Now 13 years of memories and many personal bests. Priceless. Thank you again for reminding me why I do this in the first place.
Great report Chris. I to find it as I get older the fishing trips are less about the fishing and more about enjoying good quality time on the water. Had a guy out a few weeks ago that had no problem just putting the rod down for a little while and just enjoying the very nice afternoon. Thats the way to enjoy a fishing trip.
Great read Tuck!
Your report made me think of past trips with friends and family. Good memories for sure!
Hopefully, there’s more of these trips in store for all of us.
Great report!
So far I have fished this full moon gig with my dad every year. This year, he said that staying up all night starting to wear on him. I’m hoping he has at least a couple years left in him. The day he decides to hang up his night hat will be a very sad day for me! Posts like this help to remind me that I’m not just out there to grind out fish, but also to create irreplaceable memories with friends and family!
great read Tuck
Thanks for the great report Chris and the stroll down memory lane, I was one of those guys who caught there personal best 3 times in one night with James. (See Pics) For those of you that did not know Hooks here is the link to his 1000th post on IDO it was a doosy!
Tim’s 1000th post
Very nice write up and report.
Most of the time it is not about the fishing,
just those who are with you and their enjoyment
and being together.
Tight Lines,
again Great write up,
very nice post Tuck. Reminds me of why we get the crew together, and why we stay together.