After fishing Spirit Lake on Friday night I crashed for a few hours and had a guide trip on Sat a.m..Joining me for a day of fishing today was my friend Rick Briggs and his borther-in-law Keith Abens.For those of you who follow wrestling Keith wrestled for Iowa State during the Dan Gable years.
Rick and Keith have a family place on West Okoboji so do not get a chance to fish Spirit very much.My goal for today was to catch a few fish while showing my clients future spots to fish.We started on a shallow rock pile.Here is Rick with a largemouth.
We caught a few walleyes,largemouth,and smallies from this rock pile.The action was fast with a leech and slip-bobber working best.Here is Rick with a nice 18" bass,this is the biggest largemouth brought in the boat so far this year.Way to go Rick.
After a few hours of this we started to troll spinners in deeper water and caught many walleyes plus a big fish that got off on Rick-oops!! Alot of these eyes were only about a 1" short of being legal.It was very fun to fish with Rick and Keith.They were both great listeners who asked many great questions about what and why were using certain tactics.I hope they can use this information to help them in the future.Keith did managed to put a legal eye in the boat-good job Keith.We guessed we caught between 50 and 60 eyes on the day.Thanks alot to my guest for the day,I had a great time.
Ryan Hale
Thanks for the report Ryan. Looks like a fun day on the water. Glad to see the guide business is taking off good.
Thanks, Bill
Where was that weather on Friday?
Is that Rick Briggs the famous golfer from Gundy Center? I didn’t think that guys who golf as much as he does even knew what a graphite fishing rod was used for.