Spent the afternoon fishing Lake Pepin on Pool 4 on the Mississippi River casting crankbaits for walleyes.
My fishing partner and guide was Mike Smith from Hooked On Fishing Bait and Tackle in Rochester. With the very high water we have right now we focused on what we figured would be active walleyes feeding in the flooded shorelines.
Both flooded weeds and rocky shorelines were our target areas. The walleye lures for the day were crankbaits being casted towards shore and we were rewarded with some nice 17”-20” eyes along with some decent northerns. Mike, unfortunately , lost a huge northern which would of been nice to get in all the way. Repeated attemps by both of us to find that big gal again didn’t work so we went back after the walleyes.
Someone left the camera on his van seat as we took Mikes tow vehicle and my boat. So hopefully next time I’ll remember the camera and will have a new photo editing/downloading program on my computer so there will be some pics. But the fishing was great and the catching was also so we both had alot of fun. A day on the water is always a great day. Hope to see you on the water.
Thanks, Bill
Thanks Mike for a great day on the water.
Can’t wait til next time. 
Thanks, Bill
Bill, I spent the afternoon on the lake also,casting cranks was slow for us. A few bass some dinky eyes and tons of sheephead.Got run off by the rain,but all in all was a great day to be out!
The spot we fished was an area that Mike has fished for 25 years so he knew exactly where the fish should be and they were sure there.
We got off the water at 5:30 when the rain just started in Lake City. It helps when your fishing partner knows where the fish are.
It made for a great day. 
Thanks, Bill
Nice report Billy! Wish I was there!