I hope you guys aren’t getting sick of my reports this week? I’ve been on vacation and have had a few guide trips along with family fishing.I have had a very good week on the water with many fish being caught.Although alot of fish are “short” it has been a great time to try new tackle and techniques.
The first thing you will notice about Spirit Lake is that it is very low,about 2′ right now.Here is a shot of the North shoreline,the water should be up at the edge of the rocks.
Joining me on the water today were Kim and Karen Aduddell from Cherokee,IA.The weather again was not very nice with rain and drizzle all day with cool temps.We caught around 50 short fish with 2 legal eyes being boated.Kim is holding the fish but Karen caught this 15″ eye.Good job Karen!!!
This is my first year working as a guide and if I could get people like the Aduddell’s in my boat on every trip it would be heaven.A very nice couple who made the day very enjoyable for myself.They were alot of fun plus they brought a bunch of goodies for us to munch on.Sometimes it was hard to eat as the little eyes would start to bite when we dug out the food.Thanks Kim and Karen,I had a great day with you guys.
Ryan Hale
Never tired of your reports Ryan. Keep em coming. Sounds like you haven’t had all the rain we have gotten as your water is low and ours is very high. Keep catchin and keep us up to date on the fishin down your way.
Thanks, Bill
Thanks for the post, sure hope the weather settles and allows a couple days of good fishing. Good to hear that the Aduddell’s had a good time. Is it by chance that you are guiding some people that provide a good lunch?
Keep up the good job and I enjoyed reading your post.
Ryan, we’re never tired of your reports. I’ve got to get over your way one of these days. If I do, I’ll be sure to give you a holler.
As always, great report! Just waiting for the bullhead update every now and again. Ha. Keep ’em coming.
Thanks for the fun day of fishing Ryan. It was a special birthday present. The damp weather didn’t even spoil the day. Good walleye chop! Thanks again. Kim and Karen Aduddell