Had a guide trip on the Wolf river on wed. with 3 great folks in the boat. We were targeting walleyes and the whitebass on the river out of Fremont, Wi. We went up to a deeper strecth of the river with depths of 10 to 12 feet of water and tapered off down to 5 feet on the lower end. We also teamed up with another guide Randy Wieland in his boat. So we had a group of 5 folks for the day.
The first drift for the walleyes we were using lindy rigs on 2 poles with beads and plain hooks and then we used for jigs 1/4 once in different colors with yellow and pink being the hot jigs for the day.The jigs were tipped with night crawlers and minnows with the most fish caught on the night crawlers as ussual for the walleyes. We even dropped down to 1/8th once jigs after awhile. The jig style was my home made stand up jigs that were painted with tri colors my my daughter Celyna. Hats off to her, some of her combo colors were hot for the day. On the first pass for the morning we had 4 nice eyes in the box and the bite was on.
It was a nice sunny day with shorts and t-shirt for the day and the fish were on the feed bag. We also planed on fishing for the whitebass as well . The river system is know for its abundance of whities as well as the walleyes. We started out using the same jigs for the whitebass that we used for the walleyes only with plastic tales on them. We also tipped them with minnows when things slowed down for us. If the bite for thw whitebass slowed down then the minnow would get you bit for sure. The white bass were coming through in big schools that you could see on the structure scan. Love the side scan lowrance on the boat for finding the schools. We filled up one side of the live well with white bass and and went through 7 dozen minnows in the process so it was back to walleye fishing again.
We went back up to the area that we were fishing at earlier for the walleyes and wow it was perfect timing once again. On the first drift in the afternoon we had 4 more walleyes in the boat again some jigs tipped with night crawlers. Four drifts and we were filled up with a 4 man limit of nice walleyes in the live well. It turned out to be a great day for weather and fishing with new folks that were great to fish with. Thanks for the day all of you. We ended up with everyone having enough fish for a couple of nice fish frys.
More pics from the day. Also with our home made jigs from JNB company.
I love whitebass!
Hey Jeff, maybe I should have looked at new reports before posting one
I posted a Kudos in my report, but I’ll add it here as well. I thank you for working for me on Wednesday and I sure do appreciate your flexibility and care for our customers. Everyone left with big smiles, fish to clean, and some great memories. I don’t think we could have provided a more seamless service for them. I couldn’t have achieved this without your help – THANKS 
Any time Randy , it was a pleasure working with you.
Great summary of a great day on the water. I have great employees that work very hard to ensure our success. You and Randy did a great job of ensuring that this reward trip was very rewarding. Just look at the smile on Michelle’s face! It was more than just cranking in fish – lots of good laughs throughout the day too. Thanks again. I’m sure we’ll see you on the water again. And tell your daughter that she should start selling those jigs, they are awesome…
Dave Barrett
NorthStar Environmental
Thanks Dave it was a great time on the water for sure. She is all ready coming up with some new ideas for jigs.
Nice catch and the photos are very evident that the people you guided were more than pleased. Great Job! Can’t wait to get on the water with you and test your jigs. Rod
Thanks Rod.