I look forward to this time each year when the male walleyes cruise into the gravel beds to take part in the fertilization of the countless number of eggs that the females left for them..
This year was the year that would never get her.. as you all know mother nature was just not ready to give up on her winter and allow us to enjoy our spring.. But this day she shined her spring rays nice and bright… With temps in the upper 70’s and calm winds I could have use a pair of shorts and more sunscreen !!!
Today I got to share my boat with a guy that really has taken to the fishing quite well.. Ross and I set out to catch him a few walleyes for dinner today and that’s exactly what we did..
Two pound weights were needed with the high flow and even though the water is on the rise like crazy..it was not all that stained.. I didn’t say that it wasn’t full of crud..because we had to pull our lines every 5 minutes to clean the debris off..
The normal cranks were working good again this year… #11 original floating rapalas and J-7’s are what I use mostly.. But this year I added a couple of the new Rapala baits to the box.. The Sallow Running Jointed Shad Rap and the BX Minnow were in my lines to see what the eyes thought about them.. THEY LIKED’EM !!!
On one pass I even had a double,,one on the shallow jointed and one on the BX Minnow… this event almost put us into the bank and Ross was taking video and i was pulling in the fish… YIKES that was a close call :yikes:
Oh yea… and whats an outing on the river without lunch cooked up on the boat !!!
Johnsonville Brats and a beer !!! YUMMMM
Brats in the boat for lunch? Your living life large Dave.
Love it!
Looks like you guys had a great day on the water.
Looks like a good day. Can’t beat the weather. Hope there are still some fish around come Thursday.
Great job Dave. A lot of people get very intimidated by the high water. Great job in showing the fish are where they should be and still eating!
Great job, Koonce!
Sooooo…….. Can we see the video of the double?
great job as always Dave!
You love the sun ?
You got to love this weather !!!
The river is coming up … yesterday morning it was 12.18 and this morning it was 12.44…But it seemed to unleash all the back waters of every duck blind out there
The main channel is so full of debris that it makes any fishing very difficult… but with persistence and keeping the lines clean some real nice male eyes will come to the boat..
How does one get King Kong to Smile ?
Feed him Brats fresh off the grill and walleyes handling style like the one in this pic
Fish this morning were pretty cooperative.. Coming on the #5 JSSR Fire Tiger, BX Minnow, J-7 in blue or Black and Gold and the #9 Hot Steel…
But this afternoon it got real tough for us and the #9 Originals is all they would take for this boat…
Crazy how this fish can turn with a flick of a switch
Tomorrow is another day…
Dave , what kind of grill is that ? Don’t think I seen a low profile one like that one before .
very nice!
I bought mine a bunch of years back and Mills Fleet Farm i think…
Here is the link to it on the Coleman Web Site..
Coleman Grill
Oh and the fishing today….
I think all the fish are in School