The last few days I have had the chance to fish Lake Pepin in the afternoon. I have stuck with trolling crank baits both shallow and deep with fish in both areas.
When we got into fish we seemed to find the smaller fish in the shallow water and the biggins close by but in the deeper water. We would make long trolls with 2 – 3 fish at one time then dead for a 1/2 mile then 2 – 3 fish then dead. After a long troll we would turn back and work the pods of fish shallow and deep with short trolls and catch our numbers.
I have not tried anything but leadcore the last month and have not found a reason to switch yet! We have found fish in water as shallow as 5 feet and deep as 25 feet. Keeping your lure just off the bottom has been the key to catching.
We have fished from the head of the lake to the bottom of the lake, jumping spot to spot 30 minutes here no fish move to the next spot, and it seems there are fish almost everywhere! The largest fish I have brought to the boat was 27" and only one that size. But the numbers make up for it!
We have had our best luck running slow with the lead 1.5 – 2.0 mph your rod tip is hardly viberating and just a tick on the bottom every so often. Digging the lures in the dirt has not triggered a fish for me yet!
If your going to fish the lake Cover lots Water and you will find them!
Good Luck Fishing
Brian Good report.havent seen or heard from you for so long,I thougt maybe you had givenup fishing and takin up golf or bowling or sumpin.Now I know youve just been sore armed from hauling them in.Tight lines to you, will see ya out there.
Thanks for thr report Brian. Which colors are producing best? [Firetiger, craw and perch?] Thanks, Bill
Stuart I still check in here everyday, I have just been spending more time fishing and less time talking
Bill have you tried the new glass shad raps? The blue and the white #7 glass shads have been killer!
Otherwise blue/ blue jointed have been my favorite.
Hi Brian,
I enjoy your reports very much, but was wondering if you ever read the thread on “stringer photos” it was started on 12/01/03 on the “Mississippi River walleye forum” and received 4 pages of comments. Here is a link to it:
Dave Gulczinski
To tell you the truth I am not a big fish eater so I rarely keep fish / I like cow in my belly! So I release almost everything! But if a couple times a year I want to eat fish well I do.
Should I fell guilty for keeping a limit of fish I dont think so… I have fished here my whole life and kept a limit of 12 fish one time!( 2 people) NO LIE and there is the pic.. I have never kept a limit on my own.
I tell everyone in my boat to please let the fish swim but occasionally well yesterday I kept 12 fish but I threw back more then 50 so I think its OK.
But I do see your point and agree! watching people keep everything they catch , well it makes me want to reach over there a swat them with my pole, but if your only keeping what you ARE GOING to eat go for it…
95% of the fish brought into my boat are still swimming…
Good Luck Fishing
Thanks Brian for the tip. [you just cost me another 100.00] lol. I think these lures catch fisherman but oh well. Much better to buy them and have something to show for the money ”and fun” than spend the 100.00 in the bar and be broke with nothing but a hangover to show.
Have you tried the new Grappler Shad lures yet? They seem to be a hot lure. Thanks, Bill
Wow long thread! took forever to read that hole thing.
Im not going to argue about a stringer pic, you can look at it if you want or you dont have to.
If a picture of fish makes me a bad person well thats there opinion, no matter what you do there is always someone whos going to bicker about it thats life.
Like I said before 95% of my fish are still swimming and the 5% that are not swimming sure tasted good.
Bill We were typeing at the same time
I have not tried the grappler shads yet, do you like them?
I have not even seen one.
Heres the glass raps if you havent seen one before when they wiggle they change colors and they have 3 rattles in them, I really like them.
I just wanted you to be aware of how some people may feel about stringer photos being posted by guides. I am not calling you a “bad person” or “bickering” about the pictures. Any knowledge of how people may perceive your guide service can be very helpful in expanding your business. That was the reason for my suggestion to look at the “stringer photos” thread.
Dave Gulczinski
Thanks Chief!
I have not tried them yet but I did just buy some as the reports I have heard about them seem to be very good. Same with the Glass Shad Raps, just bought them but not used yet. They will be fun testing soon.
Thanks, Bill