This past weekend was best suited for a duck. The Mille Lacs area received some needed rain, but the weather was not the best for fishing! I only managed a few fish for my fishing efforts. Reports around Mille Lacs continue slow, some evening bobber fishing success has been reported. I’m hoping for some warmer weather as it’s been a cool first week of the walleye season.
On Saturday I got on the water at 7am and fished around 3 hours. I spent some time looking for bait or fish on the locator. I found some fish in a rock to sand transition area off a reef near Lakeside. I caught one nice 25 inch walleye on a leech/lindy rig in 20 feet of water. This Saturday morning was not a great day to take the camera out of the bag as it was raining steady all morning , so sorry no photos with this report!
Sunday morning again brought some rain to this area. Only along with the rain we had 15+ mph winds out of the northeast! Josh Hukriede spent this morning along in my boat, fishing in some very difficult conditions. We tried rigging some of the same areas I had found some fish on Saturday. Only today it was a little difficult to control the boat or even feel the bite on the end of our rods. We moved around a number of times looking for the right combination. After a few hours of rain and wind we found some fish just off shore in a sanding area only 1/8 mile out. Here we were out of the wind a little bit and caught some fish. We caught 3 walleye drifting with a leech on a 6 foot lindy rigs. This area also held a little bit warmer water close to the 52 deg. mark. The water temperature was colder in our first areas that we had fished. The water temperature might have been the key to our success. We would start out drifts up close to shore at around 13-14 feet and drift out to the 20-21 foot. The 3 walleye we caught were 15,16 1/2 and one smaller that went back to swim another day. The two slots that I kept for supper were full of small 2-3 inch perch.
Thanks for the report…Same here Bob, an all day ice cold rain has cancelled my trip planned for tomorrow on the LBDN. The Bay surface temp has dropped from 54.5 to 53 the past few days with no help in sight from the weatherman.
and maybe do some… 
Well time to get the boat and tackle cleaned up and organized again
Two of us started at 0600 on Saturday morning, fished until 1000 when the rain started at a heavier pace. We caught 12 walleyes on 8′ rigs with leeches. The fish were consistently off of the edges of shallow rock bars. The rock bars were 7-9′ on top and they dropped to 12-13′ rather quickly. Both of us also missed quite a few fish. 6 of the 12 fish went in the box.