Saturday I had the privilege of fishing with MidWest Outdoor writer and seminar speaker, Don Banning. Friday we had an inch of rain fall and a cold front move in and I did’nt know what to expect for Saturday’s fishing. We left Sunset Marina at 6am. and headed down river in search of cleaner water. That really paid off. We boated a three man limit in 7 hours. The fish ranged from 16 inches to 19.5 inches. Here’s Don holding two of the better fish that were taken this day.
We started off longlining crankbaits on a sand and gravel flat just above an inside bend of the river. Within 5 minutes we had our first taker, a 17.5 inch walleye. We made this pass again and got a double. We were trolling between 1.7 and 2.0 mph. in 14 to 17ft. of water. Sweeping the rod and letting the crank fall back on a tight line with some pauses seemed to trigger most of the bites. I truly can’t say which pattern produced better, it just seemed whatever was presented to them they took and took with authority. Last week we caught nothing but saugers and this weekend it was all walleyes. Here’s Don with the last fish of the day, a 17.5in. walleye. I would just like to thank Don for sharing this day with me and hope we can do it again soon.
Sunday I hit the water again, but today I had my better half with me. I headed right back to the same area that I fished Saturday and had another super day of fishing with two fish coming to the boat at 20 inches. The fish on this day were a little more finicky than the day before. Wally Divers and Shad Raps did it for us. Trolling these baits at 1.3 to 1.5 mph. got their attention. Also the fish boated this day were much nicer than Saturday’s. Here’s Pam with some of the fish she caught. She’s having some of the girls over for Tuesday lunch. Pam also had the BIG FISH HONORS for the second week in a row. Here it is, a huge Drum!
I wish that all my weekends could be as good as this past one, but we all know why it’s called Fishing, not Catching! One thing else, I would like to remind everyone, there is a 20 to 27 inch slot limit with one fish in possession over 27 inches on the river for Illinois and Iowa. Great fishing to all.
Hey Tony,
Nice to see the eyes are bitin down your way as well
. Did that big drum pass whatever it has in it’s stomach while in your boat 
Hey Dustin,
Heck no! I held that fish over the side of the boat until it was time to take the picture. Whatever was in it tummy I did’nt want it coming out in the boat
Good report Tony ,Glad you had a good day ! we,ll get out one night this week for sure
Them are some nice fish Tony. Great report.
Great report Tony. What did the ‘head weigh?
Gator Hunter
She scaled at about 20 to 21lbs. The Ol’ Lady is still bit–ing about her arms hurting.
That is one ugly old hawg.
Gator Hunter
Nice report Tony. Glad to see the river down your way heating up. We don’t get much info on that pool of the river except from you so keep up the good work Bud.
Thanks, Bill
Hey Gator,
The Ol’ Lady said you better mean the fish.
You guys kill me!!!

Well Bill, I’m glad that I can amuse you and the rest of the fine people here. That’s what life is all about. If you can’t have fun, you mine as well lock yourself in a closet.
Here are a couple of fish that I got tonight(Monday). Click Here .
Nice fishing report Tony!
Up here on Pool 2, I can pitch cranks all day long and not see a Sheepie and as soon as I start trolling I seem to attract the mother load of them at times!
Of course I meant the fish.

Gator Hunter
Yeah Steve, I know what you mean. Soon as I put those lines behind the boat, there they are. Pam did have a great time pulling that one to the boat. All she kept saying over and over again is I hope that this is a walleye. I wish it was too.
Great report Tony. Looks like the overall size is nice too