We had our 12th annual walleye opener group up for the weekend and had a great time. The fishing was a little on the slow side from what we had the past several years but none the less had fish come in and a new team titled Big D opener champs. Here is a shot of the group talking smart Friday night a few hours prior to hitting the water.
(Sorry so dark)
We ended up with 28 fisherman hitting it hard and looking to make a statement to the group when we got together at 1pm on Saturday afternoon. We had 11 fish come in with 1 also caught and released that hit the 28" mark. (By Josh Hukriede) Most talk was about the cold temps that night with very few tactics being discussed. I can tell you what did not work for this team, Lindy rigging with a leech on the north end sand. We did not see one net come out in the 3 hours we spent on the Malmo sand. Saturday night we ran to three mile and tossed the anchor for some night bobber fishing. We had a few light bites and watched a few nice fish boated. Sundays weigh time turned out more fish with some real nice eaters for the guys to bring home for a fish fry. We ended with 36 fish for 28 fisherman.
Congratulations go to Arty and Josh Hukriede for the 1st place finish, Chris Tuckner and partner Leroy Carl for 2nd. Bobber fishing in the rocks with lots of patience seem to be the ticket for a few fish. Deep water 26+ also worked for a strong finish for some guys.
This last picture is a shot of the group minus 8 or so guys who where either sleeping or taking this opportunity to raid a cooler. Great fun with a fun bunch of guys. Howdy to Putz who stopped in Friday night for a beer or two. You know where we are now, see ya again soon. How did you guys do?
Nice report D,
As usual, it was a memorable experience again this year. It’s always fun to party and talk smart with that group of guy’s we sometimes only see once a year.
Congrats to my Father and Son for their win, Grampa and Grandson have always made a good team.
Josh gutted out some long hours for the win. He wasn’t going to let Tuck spend to much more time on the water than him. LOL
I just hope he fills my boat back up with gas!
Thanks for the report Dman. As in the other reports and yours the need and willingness to change presentations and/or areas puts fish in the boat. To many times we like to sit still in a place where they bit last year or last time so to speak. Thanks for sharing your different adjustments to catch more fish. We all learn from these reports when both what didn’t produce well to what needed adjustments were made to catch the fish.
It helps us all to become better anglers. Thanks, Bill
Thanks again for putting together the Big D Get together once more! It’s fun watching a bunch of us getting older, grayer, and bigger, and balder every year! Well, enough about me, Congrats to Josh and Arty! Talk around the campfire is that Josh has won more money out of that boat than the Old Man! LOL! Thanks to Hook as well for all of your hospitality once again! One thing I noticed was that the only nets I saw this whole weekend were coming up in boats where In-Depth Angling people were fishing. Coincedence? I think not! We did have one episode of attempted flummery by team Hukreide and Carlson whereas a non tournament participant (Mike Little AKA Mudlnthru)held a rod while a fish was present on the business end, and handed said rod to participant Carlson for the capture. The story was Carlson was falling off his chair while the bite was being detected, and handed the rod off to Little. (Yeah, right. That was what we said too!!)Little then handed the rod back to Carlson. Josh Hukreide was “Johnny on the spot” and cried foul on the Old Man and Carlson. It was good for a laugh when not much was going on! I still maintain I should get two assists for Tim Deiman’s fish for having to call him on his cell phone, and tell him to set the hook as he was sleeping during said episode! True story! It happened twice! Both fish were landed!
Here is a picture of Josh’s fish that cost us a first place finish. The other gent with the invisible beer in his hand is Hook’s Dad Art. Congrats guys! You did a great job!
It’s amazing what technology comes out at the Big D opener. Those invisible beers Arty and Josh had are truly amazing.
That cooler had to be pretty light to haul around also.
The open cooler policy will once again need to be visited for the 13th annual.
Thanks guys.
It was a fun weekend. It sure was nice to be back out on the water again. Fishing was really slow this weekend. Spent a lot of time on the water for not catching very many fish. Our best bite came came in the rocks bobber fishing with a leech and a plain hook. Rigging only produced one fish all weekend. Thanks again Dad for letting Grandpa, Joe and I for using the boat, and i will fill it up with gas!!! Also there was no flummery going on in our boat like there was in Tim and Bob’s boat
Hope to see you guys up at Mille Lacs again soon
Josh Hukriede
Our cooler is always open, that’s probably why it’s empty most of the time too!
Chris, you know your always welcome, but for some of those Characters you hang out with………I don’t know???

Yeah Josh,
Who was that spending so much time sleeping in the front of the boat, Joe Boy?
And Josh,
What’s with that long hair hanging in your face?
Tell me these guys don’t look like there up to flummery.
Deiman ‘ Burble.
Deiman is flummery looking for a place to happen! In his case it would be “Armed Flummery”. Not sure what the penalty for that would be.
Look at Deiman’s picture! He looks like a bug with 2 Big D’s in his eyes!