With the Wisconsin Fishing opener last weekend and the Minnesota one coming up this next weekend I am sure everyone’s mind isn’t even on the river. It should be!! I guess I just don’t like making that drive way up north to catch big walleyes when we have some of the best walleye fishing on the Mississippi River.
This week we saw some good action on the river again on Lower pool 4. Lee had the hot hand once again this week boating a back to back weekends of 10# walleyes. I also got to try and play catch up with the ol man. I mangaged to land this nice fish a couple days later in the same spot.
What has been working? Well the best presentation for size this week was trolling cranks along tips of wingdams. Pulling lead core worked for me and Bottom bouncers have worked for the ol man. This has told me with the low water this past week we are seeing a alot of summer patterns unfold. A good number of smaller fish have been the passes also.
Other areas producing fish for us this week has been backwater and side cut wingdams. Live bait and jigs castedt the face or cuts have been the best spot on spots.
After catching that nice fish on lower pool 4 I picked up and moved to pool 5 to see if the same patterns held. They did! The next day I was able to spend a couple hours pulling lead core on pool 5 and, well, I could only use one rod. Fishing the breaks in the main channel as well as tips of wingdams saw the most fish. This next picture is one that I took on pool 5 out in the middle of the channel.
Last but not least. I took my oldest son out last week so it was my youngest(Jordan) ones turn this weekend.
His thoughts….You know if the dad would only use that bait and listen to me he might catch a fish!
How have you been running over the tips?I may be heading down that way tomorrow… I’ll stop in and say hi to the ole’ man. I’ve got the itch only a 10# fish can scratch
Sweet report there buddy !!