So, with the ice at a bit more on the safe side I talked my daughter into letting Zoe and I go ice fishing. I assured her that I would take good care of Zoe and that with the Full Thermal Otter in tow behind the Squeeler that would be good times !!!
Zoe had no trouble picking up on how the hole game works picking up a small bass as her first fish… Then shortly after that she pulls up another fish, and another and another…..
I was out drilling holes with my new Strike Lite 4 stroke.. I was trying out the new 5" bit i purchased when all of a sudden I here GRAMPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I did hustle up as fast as I could and when I got to the Otter, she was up on her chair and the bullhead was flopping on the ice…
Great times and pix for memories that will last a life time !!
Another gill pic and then Zoe helping the bullhead back down the hole
Very Nice!!! Happy New year.
Way cool Dave, don’t get any better.
Nice pics. Looks like she had a great time. Priceless memories.
That is the way to do it! Nice to see youngsters get out there!
This old guy musta copied and pasted the same paragraph..
report updated !!
Today was one of the first times running a tip down.. My daughter and son in law got me one for Christmas..
St it up with a crappie minnow about 4″ off the bottom and located this just out my window of the Otter…
Well I looked out and it was now positioned perfectly horizontal…

Looked out again and it was fully collapsed on the ice

Up and off i went to the sit of the tip down…

Dang fish took off with my Tip Down Rod

Musta been fishing in a bad neighborhood school

My bad… looks like i better tie one on from now on
I won’t make that mistake again

oops. That had to hurt.
Awesome – nice work buddy!
That smile is worth millions.
What a smile! I bet grampa’s was big also.