Well with a good stretch of days clear from work and my younger brother coming up to help the cause I had good fuel to find some tanker perch. With the recent cold snap many lakes have been putting on a nice thick layer of ice out in South Dakota with 4wheeler traffic being commonplace around the area. We fished the past few days on large bodies of water concentrating on mud basin with the name of the game being “move till you find em”.
Through using marcum underwater cameras as well as flashers we have found fish gorging on bug and worm hatches coming out of the mud. It seems that when you find an active school they are gorging on the bugs or worms and then moving on to find another hatch. Common presentations have been a 1/8th oz slender spoon in silver and gold. Lindy flier in red with glow back as well as picking off more finicky fish with small redglow tungsten jigs tipped with a few red spikes. Active schools have been found from 22-27 fow with more fish seeming to prefer deeper water this last stretch of days.
Pounding bottom with the spoons to bring fish in seems to herd the school over your way when on an active school. I have been using a 36 inch precision rod from TUC as it has a nice taper as well as good backbone to bury the hooks down at 27 foot. Eyes have been touch and go with some fish located shallow in the evening hours, but no consistent bite for me right now on the eyes. With cold days ahead I am sure we will put on some more good ice. I work a few days here but will be sneaking out when possible. Hopefully you all have chance to get out on some fish the next few days here and enjoy some time with family around the holidays. PM me with any questions. Safe fishing and wishing wet, cold, fishy hands to all of you. -Q
Great Report
I hope to make it out there some time.
Awesome job!