After receiving a cold front earlier this week it has put our water temps a few degrees colder than what they were last week in some of the areas that I have been fishing. Previously we were looking at temps around 57 or 58 degrees in most areas today we had 55 degrees in those same areas.
After setting out at 7am this morning we all began fishing different presentations. After catching a few fish on soft plastics and no fish on our other presentations we began to dial in on what the fish wanted today. We had located an area that had fish holding but continued to fish different areas to see if we had fish in those areas as well.
After fishing several different areas and having no success it was evident that we had to concentrate our efforts where we had our fish earlier. After returning to our area where we had our fish earlier we began to get more fish from that general area. That particular spot was a small under water point that had wind blowing into that area.
The key for us today was to recognize what the fish wanted and where the fish were located and spending as much time as possible in that area with the right presentation to maximize the amount of bites that we could get from that particular area. We did not get a lot of fish but the fish we did get were quality fish. Don’t forget that there is always something to learn from every trip on the water and that is what will make us all better fisherman.
Smallmouth Video at
Paul Delaney
Late-Eyes Sport Fishing Guide Service
(920) 421-0896
Those are some beauty Smallmouth! Great report.
Paul, your twisting my arm for a couple days up there. Its normally an annual pilgrimage for 3 to 5 days up there. But with the best walleye action I’ve seen in many years down here, its hard to break away for my other true love. Keep the report coming in!
Nice looking smallies Paul and great job sticking with it and figuring out what they wanted!
Thanks for the report!
I’m guessing as water temps increase, so will the bite! 
Great job Paul!