With the weekend fast approaching and weather looking like it wasnt going to cooperate what better to do than call up some buddies and have them come get on some fish. Me and two friends set out in the gale force winds that plauged SD on saturday and sunday in attempts to get on some eyes. Recent rains and a drop in temperature had the odds stacked against us. Conventional wisdom would tell a person to slow down, drift live bait pitch livebait. If its one thing I have started to apply over the years. Walleyes don’t read magazines
We found fish on shallow flats and ready and willing to take what we were throwing. Rapalas rippin rap in emerald shiner as well as yellow perch pattern were top producers. This baits cast great in the wind with good weight and can fish fast and aggressive which is what I wanted to do. When fish shut down from cold fronts I like to trigger strikes with aggressive retrieve patterns and loud lures. The Rippin Rap does the shimmy and shake like no other lure. You can yo-yo it back with small jerks of the rod tip and even straight retrieve it. You can literally feel the rattles through braided line, and when fish hit, they hit it hard. This is a reaction strike and they mean business.
On sunday morning we were greeted with lighter winds and what seemed to be more scattered fish. We again went back to throwing the ripping raps again. We basically broad casted out lures in all different directions picking up fish as we moved along. We kept the boat positioned in 6-8 foot of water and kept moving. The rattles in the rippin rap as well as the metallic sheen that is on the bait called fish in from a distance and again put some big smiles on all our faces. It was a great quick two day outing despite less than desirable weather the first day. I apologize for the hero pictures, but with high winds and rain some of the time it was not conducive to getting the camera out. I hope you all have a chance to get out and wet a line and hopefully dip the net. Be safe and good fishing – Quintin
Congrats on the great outing….heading to Rainy in a few hours, will look to be throwing those baits for sure!
I had just picked some of these up as I’ve fish Rat L Trap lures for years to catch shallow walleyes. I really like the profile and weight of these products vs. the RLT I’ve been fishing. Very effective lure that can be fished aggressive or straight as you said! Also, the color selection is very lifelike and many good chrome patterns to choose from as well. Thanks for sharing!
Glad to see I’m not the only one who does well on lipless cranks for Walleyes.
I bought a box full of those Rapala Rippin Raps when Cabelas had them for $3.99. At the rate they’ve been catching fish, that price was a steal!
Congrats on the catch, those are some fine fish!
Waldo’s love them…but not as much as largemouths after a cold front!
Hopefully someday I can get on a bite like that
Nice report Quintin!
What a great way to catch walleyes using rippin raps and getting a reactionary strike! 
great! there’s another itch I need to scratch! Keep up the good work.
That’s good stuff. I find it very interesting because that’s something I probably need to do more of, and that’s throw cranks instead of always pullin em. Going to have to look those Raps up….never touched one.