Last weekend was great weather to be out fishing. With temps in the high 70’s made the walleyes a little more active and gave Corey and I our first sun burn. Check out my updated report how we caught these nice walleyes in sunny conditions. Just click on View below and enjoy.
Our plan was to started off fishing down from the mouth of the river by Lake Koshkonong trying to pin point some bigger spawn out females. With the water dropping at least 20 inches in the last couple days I didn’t think the shallows was going to be the pattern but I had to try it. We started off vertical jigging the shallows in four to five fow. We tipped are Zone-R nuckle ball jigs with large fathead minnow. There’s been a pattern what color they like best in the morning and that’s pink/white and orange/chart. The color changes by afternoon to glow/green and red/black and the new D-Brite in purple. We didn’t have no luck in four to five fow so we moved to the channel in the river in seven to eight fow and that’s where I caught this nice male walleye on the left on the first drifted.
Corey has not been out much this year vertical jigging so he was starting off a little slow but as the day went on he was boating walleyes. I worked with Corey and showed him all my tricks I had up my sleeve and it help out alot. The walleyes were just sucking the bait in so when you felt weight you had to set the hook and when you set the hook you caught a walleye or you got a snag. It took some time getting use to but once you did, bingo. The walleyes were not slamming it at all so you really had to be on the ball or you would miss them. Boat control was critical so you stayed vertical, slipping the current with your trolling motor was a must. The anglers anchoring were not catching as many fish but in the next couple weeks anchoring on the bridge pillar and deep holes casting 1/4oz jigs and a crawler letting the current do the work will be the key to catching walleyes but now it’s a vertical jigging techinque that works. Another thing you had to do was don’t let the fish come to the top and start flopping around or you would lose them 50% of the time. After I had on a fish I would stick my rod tip down in the water to keep the fish coming to the top. Here’s Coreys first walleye on the right which it was a male and good eater.
Before Corey caught his first walleye he lost one because it came to the top and flopped off, he just turn and smile at me and went right back to jigging because he new what he did wrong and I told him he would do it because I still do it time after time. It’s just a habit to set the hook and start reeling and in shallow water there at the top flopping around in seconds. All we could do is fine male walleyes that are still milking and some were all most done milking. All are fish were 15 to 23 inch on this day which we ended up with seven nice fish for the frying pan. We also pitched plastics in the shallow to hopefully tangle with a big female but had no luck. Here are two nice male walleyes that Corey caught on the left. After Corey got the hang of it he was catching some good fish and had a great time. I really believe the key to catching these walleyes was using the jigs made by Fin-tech tackle company and you can get them at the Shell Gas Station at Newville WI or Barth’s Hardware store in Fort Atkinson WI which I set up a display of all the jigs, that’s your best bet to get what you want right away, or order them on line at It was lots of fun fishing with Corey and he’s welcome in my boat anytime. Fishing should be fun or you should find a new hobbie. Safety first so you can enjoy another day on the water.
All photos can be clicked on for a better view
Caught a couple before and during the rain yesterday Jeff. 15 inchers. On the pink and white knuckleballs. Nothing on the twisters thoguh. Pretty slow. Thanks for the new tips in your post!!
I’ll give those colors a try! See ya!
Nice report Jeff!
Just goes to show if you stay versatile and willing to adapt to the conditions, it pays off. Congrats!
Like I always tell my customers, “Hooksets are free so if there is any doubt, put the coals to them!”