I took my son to Missouri during Spring Break and we gave trout fishing a try at Bennett Springs in Missouri. What a wonderful place. I would recommend this to anyone with travel plans to Southern Missouri. My son Andrew is 9 years old and he was ecstatic when he caught this 20" rainbow. Just to see the smile on his face was priceless.
We also did a bit of fishing on Lake of the Ozarks and Andrew also caught this 22" wiper on an ultralite with 4 # test line. He did a wonderful job of being patience as this fish made many runs and did not want to come to the boat. I was so proud of him. He is turning into quite a good fisherman. Nothing gives me greater please than to watch my son learn and get such great enjoyment from such a wonderful pastime. Do yourself a favor, take a kid fishing, it does wonders for your outlook on life.
Great report! I envy you…its been too long since I was fishing with my son. Keep taking him fishing..you will cherish these experiences!
Tight lines…
Hi Steve,how you been?Congrads on getting the boy out fishing.There is nothing better than watching kids catch fish.Best of luck and great report.hope to see you up North this year,would love to get that young man on some smallie fishing.
Ryan Hale