A New Year – Two New Personal Bests

Goal today? Riley and Chayce set out to beat their personal best pike. Last Year Riley’s personal best pike was 25" and he caught it on rod and reel. This year, however, he puts the smack down on this 31" beast all on his own!

Alex (Somnio) and I got out with both of our kids on Sunday to chase some pike on tip ups. We had previously fished this lake on the weed edges open water, so we knew we should be able to tangle with these toothy critters; man were we right!

We reached the lake right before sun up and made the trek to our pre-fished weed line. Using our GPS and camera we were able to pinpoint the weeds and set our tips just outside of them, 8 feet of water was the ticket. Alex and I were under the impression that we could set four tip ups for the kids and then go on a hunt for some sunfish, once again we were wrong. The tip up action was so intense that we were resetting them every 10 to 15 minutes; this coupled with the kids wanting to use the sonars all day, Alex and I got little fishing in, which was definitely alright with us!

Between tip ups, the kids did more hole hopping then I would have done in the day. Couple of times I couldn’t find Riley, just to find him jigging some sunnies behind the house on the sonar; "Dad I got another one!"

Although these sunfish were smaller then we had hoped for, it kept the kids entertained before making the mad dash for a full spinning tip up.

We had a break about noon and cooked up some hot dogs, beans, and chips as we discussed the fish we had caught. The gods were raining down as no tip ups were popped in the 30 minute long lunch break. Seconds after cleaning up lunch, packing it away, and gearing back up for round two; two tips pop and the mad dash continues. Riley’s tip was empty, but Chayce roped in a 26" pike, another personal best on the day as his last pike was 25", nice work Chayce!!!

As the day came to a close – we ended with roughly 20 pike and some smiling tired little faces. Being tired didn’t stop these two though; Riley wanted to prove his man hood and demanded the ice cleats from me so he could pull the shack back to the launch. I thought, no way, this is a huge shack and you may need some help — he declined. Cleated up and strapped in he was ready for the trek across the lake. We got about one quarter of the way when he told me to jump on and take a load off! I was able to hitch a ride to the launch and he wasn’t winded a bit.

Chayce and Riley – you made my day, my week, and my year! This was a trip that will not soon be forgotten and I hope for many more to come.

Alex – thanks for setting this up with me and making it happen, these are the days that we will cherish as parents and I am glad I was able to spend the day with you and Chayce.

To all the fellow IDO’ers – Riley and Chayce are on the hunt to beat your personal bests, be on the lookout!

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  1. Nice fish guys, way to get on em!

    Riley and Chayce – Great job out fishing the old guys! If you keep moving around like that you’ll see plenty of big fish in your day!

  2. Great info Jakob! Like Randy said great seeing the kids out on the ice. Great tip too on using the camera to locate the weedline for tipup location. Those predators love cruising the edge, so with a camera you’re able to pinpoint the location of that set. No doubt, those “little things” contributed greatly to your success, nice job!


  3. Quote:

    Nice Job Guys!

    I love this photo!

    Awesome Job Chayce & Riley and to you Jakob for taking them out.

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