St Louis River action

Fishing on a river system of any kind can be frightening, let alone one connected to the largest lake in the world! Factors such as tide, current, USCG ice cutters, ships and many more uncontrollable things account for dangerous ice conditions year round. Add in the unseasonably warm weather and we have a recipe for brutal to impossible ice to fish on. My go to areas are currently not suitable for tip toeing, let alone fishing. As many of you saw the show that we filmed on the St Louis River here 2 weeks ago, the fish were on a binge, and good fish at that. Those areas are just not safe right now, as you could have pulled boards in your boat a few days ago in that same area we filmed in.

So what does a determined, obsessed fisherman do? I can tell ya he does not sit around and wait for those areas to freeze up again! I spent all of Wednesday from sun up to sun down exploring new areas, and by 4pm, I was finally on fish. I found myself miles away from anywhere I had ice fished before, with solid ice and few people! It took quite a few hours to locate good, safe ice but I’m glad I stuck with it as it sure paid off!

Walleyes, pout, and sturgeon have all come up to take a visit in the Otter Cabin the past two days. The walleyes are not the caliber that I had going earlier in the season, but they consist of solid 17 to 22 inch fish and when fishing the St Louis River, I know that 33 incher isn’t far away. Slender spoons in the 1/8th and ¼ oz have been producing the best on the jigging rods, along with a plain hook, or a number 4 demon on the deadstick. Peak times are sunup and sundown, but fish are to be had throughout the day.

This may be a warm winter that none of us ice fisherman care for, but there IS ice out there suitable for fishing just be sure to continue to use safely and your best judgment to avoid going for an unwanted polar plunge. It may take time to explore a new area, or lake but it will pay off. It sure beats sitting at home waiting for safe ice to develop, or fishing on cynical ice. The fish have been pounding the lures whenever they come in, as I think this warmer weather pattern helps. We are seeing an average of 5 to 11 fish per morning or evening so there is plenty of action! Connected with 7 this morning, and you can bet I will be out again for the evening bite! Get out there and take advantage of some great fishing!


  1. Nice work Grant knocken down them eye’s! The St.Louis looked very tempting to me this past Saturday to take and make a quick stop in.

  2. Nice stuff Grant, cool sturgie! I know you said you’re doing well during the low-light periods, and getting some throughout the day as well…..are you using different colors or presentations to trigger those day bites, or are fish responding to the same baits as they would early morning or late afternoon?


  3. Fish that come through during the day are few and far between but they are usually BIG, and im talking 24 inches at a minimum. When the sun gets high, I will put on an oversized slender spoon, and with no bait on it, i will rip it up and down, making as much noise and vibration as i can. During the day, right now with the lack of snow on the ice, you can actually see bottom in 7 to 9 fow. We have great water clarity right now and I feel that is contributing to the good bite we are having as of late.

  4. Fish that come through during the day are few and far between but they are usually BIG, and im talking 24 inches at a minimum. When the sun gets high, I will put on an oversized slender spoon, and with no bait on it, i will rip it up and down, making as much noise and vibration as i can. During the day, right now with the lack of snow on the ice, you can actually see bottom in 7 to 9 fow. We have great water clarity right now and I feel that is contributing to the good bite we are having as of late.

  5. Ive been fishing the Superior Harbor alot lately and alot of small fish are to be had… having trouble locating the pigs…. .Morning fishing in 6.5 ft seems to be the ticket for catching the little ones… the big ones must be around just having trouble locating them. Biggest in the last week was 23 inches. If anyone has any tips on where to try for bigger fish it would be much appreciated! Thanks

  6. I tangled with a BEAST this morning but she got off right at the hole. I fished a completly new area and it paid off. I would recommend finding structure and sticking close to it, if not right on it. The population of fish is not very good in the harbor right now, and you cant get away with blindly going out and setting up right now. Find yourself a break, cut, rise or whatever it may be and fish it hard. I have been leaving the Otter at home the past few days and hole hopping around. There are fish to be caught but you have to work for them.

  7. I tangled with a BEAST this morning but she got off right at the hole. I fished a completly new area and it paid off. I would recommend finding structure and sticking close to it, if not right on it. The population of fish is not very good in the harbor right now, and you cant get away with blindly going out and setting up right now. Find yourself a break, cut, rise or whatever it may be and fish it hard. I have been leaving the Otter at home the past few days and hole hopping around. There are fish to be caught but you have to work for them.

  8. Nice report grant. I’ve been fishing the harbor quite a but and there were alot of 13’s to be found and one nice 35 inch pike. I’ve been trying hard to find a bigger fish but it’s had been difficult. I’m starting to wonder if spirit lake might be a better choice right now seeing the unusual winter and very warm weather! Good luck out there and thanks for the report!

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