Today I spent the better part of the day on pool 10 below the Lynxville Dam. My boat partner today was SHED10 from the website. Scott had the heavy stick today pulling all the bigger fish. Of coarse thats because of my placing him in the key spots to pull some of these fish;).We were working the current breaks below the float and below the longwall today when Scott stuck this nice 19 inch female(right) that we took a pic of and then promptly returned to the deep.
Working the shelfs and current breaks was the key for us putting fish in the boat today. The 10 foot to 18 foot depths were the best places to pull fish like this one Scott caught(left).
BFT’s Ringworms in colors like purple/white tail, electric blue/pearl tail,fire-n-ice and purple/chartreuse tail hooked up with the 1/4 oz H20 Precision Jigs was the presentation for the day.When these fish hit they just ~SMACKED~ it and hard !! Like this feisty 17 inch male walleye I stuck(right).
Just a thought for you guys that fish pool 10 for the day. At around noon the gut started growling so we beached the boat by the landing and walked over to the Falling Rock for lunch, that was just the ticket
Watch out for floating debris and be safe, see you on the water !!
Man Dave your on a roll. Great report
Tight lines…
Man, you fellas did a lot better than we did on pool 11. They opened dam 10 and it was tough for our group of novice river rats.
We fished the slack water behind the fishing barge at Guttenberg near dam 10. Every other boat seemed to be catching fish except us. We don’t know what we’re doing yet with this jigging thing. I suppose that’s what happens when you take a native Marylander and Floridian (my buddy from work Larry who joined me today is from Florida) and throw them in an upper Midwest walleye river!
I just signed up the other day;I look forward to participating and learning, this site is a great resource. I recently moved to Mount Vernon,Iowa from the Baltimore Maryland area. Today was my first day ever walleye fishing on the Mississippi; despite getting skunked, I don’t think it will be my last.
My rig is an 18′ side-console roughneck with an Envinrude 50.
Joe Jiacinto
Welcome to the site KornKing !!
It gets pretty tough out there when they start messin with the flow and opening up the rollers and gates…Keep at’m and things will fall into place…
KornKing, we’ll have to hook up and hit 11 sometime this summer. There are some isolated pockets and times for good fish, but all in all I would have to say that for walleyes, 10 is worth the extra driving.
Coralville has the same problem with the COE changing the water level and flow, but not nearly to the same extent as the big river. There’s some pretty good fishing in our area from time to time, you just gotta know when and what you’re after. If you keep an eye on the Iowa lakes and small streams forums hopefully activity over there will start to pick up soon.
Welcome to IDA.
That water was moving yesterday. Being new to the river (and not wanting to trash my new evinrude) we were really careful, especially near the wingdams, but the water was so high in pool 11, we had 10-12′ clearance over them.
I fished the Wapsi below Anamosa and CC 3 weeks ago; didn’t get any ‘eyes but locked into 2 nice northerns below the dam in CC, talk about a suprise on light tackle! I did see a few ‘eyes caught, but the water was still wicked cold.
We fished McBride 2 weeks back in some horrible wind and marked lots of fish, but no takes. Water was still cold, about 39 degrees.
Fished Pleasant Creek last Friday, skunked yet again…
I did hook a a 5# carp below the chute at Coralville last Sunday on a chartreuse sinking Rapala.
It was the prettiest carp you ever saw, greenish blue with spots; I figured it might have once been someone’s pet. 
A least yesterday, I saw the other boats pulling in some fish, so I know my technique and presentation is probably a major part of the problem instead of strictly location and weather.
One of these trips, its bound to all come together.
As I’m new to easter Iowa, I’m looking to meet new friends and fishing buddies. I work at Rockwell Collins in CR as an electrical engineer. Far from being retired, I am usually only allowed out on the weekends, or if I blow off work early on Friday afternoons.
Drop me a PM if you’d like to meet sometime for a few
and talk fishing.
Joe Jiacinto
Nice fish Dave,hope we do as well on the 9th.Jack
There goes the friggin’ neighborhood.
Next thing you’ll be telling us you work in Nav Systems.
Electronic warfare…even worse!
Joe Jiacinto
Between the two of us, it should be pretty easy to put together a 200kHz jammer to knock out all the fishfinders on the river.
It’ll come in real handy at this year’s get together.